Jeffrey looked like he wanted to say something, so I waited.
“I noticed you haven’t been staying for practices and now with this list.” He brushed his hand over his mouth, his fatherly look of concern warming my heart. In the weeks since my internship started, I’d grown fond of Jeffrey, a feeling I found mutual because of talks like this and the teasing smiles no one else got. “I guess I wanted to make sure you two were good. Thatyouwere okay.”
“Everything is perfect actually.” I gave him my best reassuring smile. “You and Kyle are here, so I wanted to be here too.”
“Good. I’m glad. Speaking of Kyle, he apologized for flying off the handle. I’ve been thinking about giving him a second chance. Any thoughts or concerns?”
My mouth dropped open, shocked, not that he wanted to give Kyle a second chance but because he wanted my opinion first. I thought about his request while he watched me. Trying to hear my thoughts.
I had two options. Tell him no to benefit myself and piss off Kyle or tell him yes. That meant putting my disdain for Kyle aside and allowing him the chance to continue learning.
“You know we don’t get along, but I’d hate for him to miss out on anything.”
Jeffrey nodded before speaking again, “That’s very mature of you, Flynn. Not that I expected anything less. I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable before I gave the go ahead.”
“Thanks, boss. I appreciate that.”
“No problem. Let me know if any more issues come up though.”
I nodded, giving him a smile before he left.
With another piece to finish before the week ended, I decided I needed to focus and went home after work. Mateo called after his meeting. He stayed on the phone with me while I finished my write up. He was helpful too, offering extra stats and highlights. The next morning, I handed in my drafts to Jeffrey and sat with him as he went over them. Together we edited what needed fixing until we were both satisfied.
AtTheCove,Derekwaved from our usual booth. Sierra sat next to him, a silly expression on her face while she listened to John.
I watched his head, full of thick black hair, bob up and down, back and forth as he continued in his over-the-top nature.
To my surprise, a fourth person sat at our table. Even with his back to me, his normally unkempt blonde hair was unmistakable.
“Hey. Sorry I’m late. Jeffrey was helping me through edits.”
Instinctively, my eyes flashed over to Kyle, remembering my talk with Jeffrey yesterday.
I shuffled onto the bench next to Sierra.
He didn’t look at me though. He pretended not to hear or even see me. Instead, he continued looking over the drink menu like the ingredients of a Bahama Mama held the answers to all life’s hardest hitting questions.
“It’s all good. How is Jeffrey? Heard he’s been working you two pretty hard the last couple weeks,” Derek asked, leaning around Sierra to see me.
“He’s great. It took a little while, but I think he’s finally getting used to his new role.”
Kyle scoffed, clearly disagreeing with me and giving away the fact that he had, in fact, noticed my presence.
I happily returned his silent treatment. I wasn’t petty enough to fuck with his career, but I had no problem ignoring him.
I didn’t know the conversations he had with our shared mentor when I wasn’t around, but Jeffrey was never anything but supportive of me. He’d really grown on me. Just as everyone said he would.
“What do y’all say to a couple rounds of shots?” John asked. “It’s been a while since all five of us have been together. We should celebrate.”
We agreed and for a few laughter-filled moments, it felt something like old times.
John and Kyle left to get a second round from the bar when Sierra let out an exasperated sigh.
“Is no one else being smothered by the tension?”
Derek and I twisted to look at her.
“I didn’t realize there was anything to be tense about.” He shrugged.