“Yeah, but it wasn’t like this.” I felt the tension leave his body as he lowered me but still held me tight. “I use every ounce of control to keep things professional. Truthfully, it’s hard as hell. Especially when you’re sitting there, smiling at me like you’ve never been prouder of someone before.”
Rolling onto my toes, I pressed my lips to his. His kiss left goosebumps cascading down my body.
“Come on.” He smiled, grabbing my hand.
“Where are we going?”
He shrugged as he opened the door. “Haven’t really thought about it. All I know is I want to be alone with you without the temptation of a bed nearby.”
“Right… because you’ve never done it in the back of a car before,” I teased.
“I haven’t. But damn it, if it doesn’t sound like a good idea.” He laughed.
“I highly doubt we’d be comfortable back there.” I rubbed along his shoulder, then down his tricep. I couldn’t help myself, every ounce of me needed physical contact with him.
He glanced into the backseat. “Wanna find out?”
“Maybe next time?” I asked, a blush settling onto my cheeks.
“Whatever you want, that’s what we’ll do.”
We drove for a while before either of us said anything. Too busy enjoying being in each other’s company again without being surrounded by cameras or reporters or any expectation of how our emotions should be contained.
I watched him as he drove. His skin glittered against Florida’s afternoon sun, his curls perfectly placed, his sandalwood scent filling the car.
With my hand laid out, he immediately grabbed it, interlocked our fingers, and brought it to his mouth to kiss the backside.
A sigh escaped like I’d been holding my breath, just waiting out the hours to be with him again like this.
“What?” He looked over to me. His eyes shimmered. He must have an idea of the effect he had on me. Actually, I knew he did. I could see it in his smile and the way his eyes shined. I felt it in his hugs and the sweet kisses he left against my head.
“I just missed you way more than I realized.”
He kissed my hand again. “I missed you too, baby.”
“Can I ask you some questions?”
“Who we got? Today’s debut of Journalist Jamie or future wife Jameson?” he asked, and I replayed the way he’d bit his lip to keep his smile from growing earlier.
“Jameson,” I replied, taking note of how he used my name, steadily becoming more and more comfortable with my given name ever since the first day I heard it pass over his lips.
I liked that he knew and respected me enough to stick to the nickname I introduced myself as in professional settings. Even more, I liked the fact that “Jameson” was reserved specifically for him. Because of that, the name took on an almost intimate meaning between us.
He winked his approval. “I would’ve answered either way, but I wanted to see what you would say.”
“Where do you want to be in five years?”
“Easy. Still playing football. Eventually, I want to add a couple of kids and a beautiful wife to the mix.” His grin grew into his million-dollar smile, and I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks for the second time since he showed up today. “Sooner rather than later.”
To shake off the rush of butterflies, I gave him a half-hearted eye roll before moving on. “Will you tell me about past relationships? How many, how long? What’d you learn from them?”
“Wait, wait, wait.” He waved his hand around. “I need to know your plan first. If I don’t ask now, I’ll forget.”
“Mm,” I mused with a slight tip of my chin. “One too many hits to that pretty dome?”
He scoffed. “I’ve never had a concussion or any other injury. Thank you very much. Just an… overactive mind.”
I twisted in my seat to get a better look at him. His reactions.