Page 4 of Mai Tai

“Ry?” I smile behind my ceramic cup and polish off the last bit of sake. Losing myself in his beautiful gaze, I mumble, “Why Ry?”


“I’ll take that deep breath.”

“Please do.”

I tug in oxygen, laughing at myself, then cover my mouth.

“Do not hide your smile.”

I remove my hand from my mouth, slow-motion like. “I'm not used to that.”

“Used to what?”

“Not covering my smile. I never grew comfortable with it. I guess it’s a kid thing. I tend to laugh at myself. It usually ends in a snort. So . . . not many people like that.”

“You have pretty lips. While you’re with me, you’ll grow accustomed to smiling and laughing. I’m the boss. This is your order.”

“Give me all the orga— Um,ordersyou like. I’m sorry. I’m a little tipsy. Your stare, your presence, you make me ramble.” I fan myself.

When I speak again, I try to steer the conversation back to him. “Do you prefer Tatsun, or you can give me your name if you'd like.”Please.Instead, I’d get to know you. Even if it’s for one night and my heart’s crushed after.“I heard the waitress call you Ziat—”

“Ziatso. Ryoichi Ziatso.”

“Ryoichi. Nice name.” I take another deep breath. “You’re really good atthis.” I sweep my hands toward him, giving him an up and down.

“Is there something else you’d rather me do, Ry?”

I cross one leg over the other as my walls jolt in response. And I’ll be damned if Ryoichi’s unaware of every thought in my mind. Every friggen thought and a second before I think said thought.

“Listen, I’m hungry. But I can’t afford half the food on this menu. I’m not like many women who reach out to Book Boyfriend Extraordinaire. I’ve calculated every night that I’m on vacation. So, if we share a few small plates, then we go upstairs to do things you may or may not have done in the past, I might be able to swing it.”

“I can assure you I've done whatever you’re thinking.”

I laugh, then hide the smile behind my hand.

In a flash, Ryoichi stands.

Two Japanese businessmen seem as if they might rise, but its peculiarity is lost to me as he places his seat next to mine.

Again, my friggen heart.




The pulse at my other set of lips syncs perfectly with my heart. This is only going to end one way. And I’m gonna pray about that later, too.

But for now, I stare speechlessly as Ryoichi snatches the black scarf from his suit jacket and binds my hands together. The silk tugs firmly over my wrists, holding them together.My gosh, we're out.

Out and about and . . . and images of being tied up by him consume my mind.

“What was my order?” Ryoichi asks.

Mr. Panty Wetter, I can’t remember a second ago in your presence.The glower piercing through me causes the momentary amnesia to fade. “No hiding my smile?”