Page 23 of Mai Tai

“How do you feel?”

“Good. My breasts haven’t sat this pretty since . . .” Ryann trails off, and crimson blossoms over her cheeks.

I suck one of her nipples into my mouth, then pinch the hardened little rock. “You have the most gorgeous tits, Ryann. And you did the day I met you. What else are you thinking, feeling?”

“That you can see all up in my . . .” Her eyes open, and she glances toward her sex.

“Close your eyes, now.”

Her eyes bite shut.

My lips brush over the outline of Ryann’s hip, lifting only where her skin is hidden beneath the thin roping. Her breathing becomes a little unsteady. I remind Ryann to be mindful of it and slowly lick my way over the hollow curve at the inside of her hip, inches away from her aching lips.

I deny her the only touch she desires in the world.

“Your breathing, Ryann,” I growl.

“I am,” she huffs, subconsciously shifting her hips as an offering. I settle back on my haunches to watch as a gush of wetness seeps along her outer folds.

My mouth mops over her belly button, enticing and teasing her erogenous zones.


“Ahh, I intended to save the paddle for another occasion.”

“The what?” Ryann tenses up. “I-I’m sorry.”

“I know.”

I look up to see her mouth tugging in defiance. The torture caused Ryann’s inhaling to increase a few beats.


“But you know where I want you.”

“You better be glad that your eyes are closed.” I laugh. She’s not my submissive, so I’ve granted her certain liberties. Finally, the tip of my tongue floats across Ryann’s sex. I sign my signature on a treasure I know I will own forever.

My tongue drags slowly over Ryann’s pussy and laps up the sugar coating over her lips.

“Th-this is torture,” she grounds out, swirling her hips.

“My eating your pussy’s torture?” I ask, watching her walls contract.

“You’re . . .” The retort stalls, and Ryann thinks better of cursing me for relishing every moment she’s at my mercy.

With my lips inches away, her breathing falls prey to an increase in tempo.

I stab her.

My tongue jabs straight into her core.

A hitch slices through Ryann’s throat.

“Your breathing, Ryann, remember your breathing.”

“You should be glad I haven’t passed out. Please, Ryoichi, I need you inside me.”

“Just one second.” My lips press her throbbing folds, teeth grazing softly over her clit. Her lower back arches as I suck her pussy to orgasm. The decadent patter of her heart and breathing increases. The muscles of her stomach tighten as I kiss her pussy as I would feast on her mouth. My tongue glides across Ryann’s sex, drinking the arousal unleashed for me. Her limbs shake within her binding as I suck her tiny clit through my teeth, soft, gentle, without a single ounce of pain.