Page 122 of Hidden Scars

‘Damn it,’ she cursed, knowing she had no choice. If she’d been seen it wouldn’t be long until they were hunting her instead of the other way round.

She shook her head with resignation before heading off in the direction where she’d seen the blue jacket disappear.


‘Location now, Pete?’ Stacey asked from the doorway of the squad room.

The CID office was located just off the control room so she was able to get real-time updates on the progress of the support team she’d requested.

‘Heading into Six Ashes,’ Pete answered.

Stacey groaned. They were still a good half hour away from Much Wenlock. Two squad cars had been dispatched. It was at times like this she wished she could clear the whole road and give the officers a straight run with no regard for the speed limit.

She leaned against the door frame and folded her arms as though her presence would make the backup team get there faster.

‘What did Bryant say when you told him about the cars?’ Penn asked, not looking up from the suicide note.

‘He didn’t answer. I left a message. Should have guessed that the Honda Accord had false plates,’ Stacey said. They wouldn’t have been that lucky. The number plates belonged to a Volkswagen Polo that had been scrapped in Kidderminster three weeks ago. The other car belonged to Brenda Hooper, who had worked at Wenlock Priory ruins for eleven years.

‘Where are they now, Pete?’ she called over to the controller.

‘Heading out of Six Ashes,’ he said with an eye-roll. Yes, she knew it had only been a couple of minutes since she’d last asked but it felt so much longer.

She turned her attention to her colleague. ‘Why do you keep looking at that letter?’

Penn sighed heavily and frowned. ‘You know when you feel like you’re missing something obvious?’

‘Yep. I’ve had a similar feeling with Gabriel Denton. It was there until we made the link to the clinic, but now I’m just hoping that the boss finds out where he is.’

‘You’re not expecting him to be alive, are you?’ Penn asked.

Stacey hesitated but shook her head. ‘And that’s a conversation I don’t want to have. Beth hated me enough for saying Gabriel might have connected with someone else, so when I tell her we think he’s dead, I’m gonna run for the—’

‘Wait just one minute,’ Penn said, closing his eyes and opening them again. ‘Come here and take a look at this.’

She stepped away from the door and peered over his shoulder. Her eyes scanned the contents of the letter she’d already seen.

My darling Monica,

I am so sorry to do this to you. You don’t deserve this. You have been my devoted wife for six years now, but I cannot live with myself any longer.

Inside me are urges that I Just can’t control however much I try to ignore them. I am disgusted by myself and the thoughts that go through my mind. I cannot lie to you any longer, and I cannot put you or our child through the shame of what my indiscretions would bring as I am no longer able to keep these repulsive actions to myself. I am despicable for not being completely honest and for not having the willpower or determination to overcome the sickness inside me. You deserve much better than I can Ever give you.

Please know that my heart is yours forever.

Goodbye, my love.

She shrugged. ‘It’s the same letter you already—’

‘Stace, get the boss on the phone. I think I know who we’re looking for.’


Kim worked her way slowly through the chapter house, her back moving against the ornate interlocking arches on the stone columns. A grotesque head had been carved into the doorway. Now was not the time to appreciate the irony that she was passing through the location the monks would have met to conduct business and administer punishments for disobedience.

She switched her phone to silent as she approached the window where she’d seen the blue coat disappear.

Bryant, hurry up, she thought as she moved slowly along the stonework to the next doorway.