Page 13 of Hidden Scars

‘I meant with anyone here,’ Stacey clarified. ‘Please pass my number around and ask anyone to contact me if there’s anything they think might help.’

‘Will do,’ Wendy said, returning to her desk to open the door.

Stacey headed towards the town centre to cut through back to the station. Her stomach filled with dread, but if she was gone much longer, Burns would be blowing up her phone. She was sure there’d be some urgent admin task that needed doing by the time she got back.

She also knew that Burns had not one iota of interest in this case and would happily leave it to grow mould on the database. The only cases that piqued his interest were the ones that had a chance of reinstating his feet on the glittering career ladder.

She knew she had to let it go, but she desperately wanted to know why a happily married, trustworthy stable man had seemingly disappeared into thin air.


It was after one o’clock when Stacey walked back into the silent office, and Penn already knew how this was going to pan out.

Stacey’s natural inquisitiveness meant she would want to follow this lead and see where it took her. His colleague took every case to heart and wanted every question answered. It was what made her a damn good investigator.

‘Sir, I think there’s something to look—’

‘Park it, Wood. He’ll be back by nightfall. They’ve had a row, he’s kipped on a mate’s couch and he’ll turn up when he’s hungry. It’s a domestic and we’re not investigating it.’

Penn could tell that she wanted to argue and he could see why. She wanted to investigate something, anything. Given half the chance, they’d all have investigated a suspected cake theft from the canteen. Right now, they were simply twiddling their thumbs waiting for the next big case to come in. Follow-ups to assaults and burglaries were being done by phone and email. Statement taking was being delegated to constables while they all stared at a computer and tried to look busy. Burns didn’t want the team to get entrenched in a case that would mean the next biggie was passed to another team. He was constantly keeping them on ice until the career-making case landed on his desk. His colleague was desperate to feel that fire back in her belly. They all were. He could tell by the set expression on her face she wasn’t done trying.

‘Sir, I really think—’

‘That’s your problem, Wood – you think too much.’

Bryant’s head shot up. ‘Hey, just wait…’

‘Calm down. I was only joking. She’s not your sister, but if she can’t take a joke, I’ll spare her fragile feelings. Talking of fragile, does anyone know where Stone went?’

Penn shook his head as Bryant turned away to hide his rage. It was getting harder for the mild-mannered sergeant to control his emotions, but he was determined not to give Burns any reason to break up the team in the boss’s absence.

‘Maybe tomorrow she’ll try working a full—’

‘Anybody want anything from the canteen?’ Bryant asked, standing.

Penn shook his head as his phone vibrated in his pocket.

He turned away from Burns to take a look. He hid his surprise that it was a text from the boss.

Meet me at Leasowes Park. Say nothing.

Penn slid his phone back in his pocket. Stacey was eyeing him suspiciously.

He held his stomach and groaned.

Burns looked his way.

‘Sir, my stomach, it’s getting worse. I think I’m gonna have to—’

‘Go,’ he said, waving towards the door. ‘And if you’re no better tomorrow, don’t come in. If it’s contagious, I don’t want it.’

‘Okay, got it. I’ll let you know,’ he said, reaching for his man bag.

He felt awful leaving Stacey on her own with the idiot, but right now he felt more alive than he had in months and there was a small fire burning in his belly.


Leasowes Park was situated on a 141-acre estate in Halesowen and comprised a house and gardens. The parkland was listed Grade 1 on English Heritage’s register.