Page 73 of Hidden Scars

Kim came to a stop and looked down at the ground.

‘Oooh, boss, it’s a local well-known spot for dogging.’

Kim looked away from the condom at her left foot.

‘Yep, I was afraid you were gonna say that.’


‘Stace, I know you want to go see Beth so do it and get back as quick as you can to give me a hand,’ Penn said, sensing her agitation.

‘Thanks, buddy,’ she said, grabbing her satchel and her coat.

The boss had just added Liam Sachs to the list of people he had to try and research.

So far, Penn was trying to get background on Charles Stamoran, his assistant Lorraine Abbott, Celia Gardner, Victor Gardner, scandal, lawsuits and now Liam Sachs as well.

There was no doubt he preferred to be busy, and it was all still quite a novelty after the last couple of months. It was just that all of the tasks were equally as important as each other.

He could certainly understand Stacey’s wish to go and see Beth Denton in person. It was hard to step away from a case that hadn’t reached any conclusion, and the least one could expect was an explanation in person. In truth, he was just as fascinated with the case as his colleague. What would possess a seemingly happily married man to withdraw a sizeable amount of money and just run out on his wife without any explanation? Experience told him there had to be a reason somewhere. Maybe he wasn’t as happily married as Beth Denton would have them believe. And if they were, then shame on Gabriel Denton. Some people just didn’t know what they had.

His phone beeped receipt of a text message.

He breathed a sigh of relief. He’d texted Jasper an hour ago asking if he had a lift sorted for his dance class. Despite his best efforts, his brother had not been able to talk his best friend Billy into taking the line-dancing classes with him. Regardless, he’d gone alone and walked into a room full of strangers and come home buzzing. Since then one of his fellow line dancers had collected him and dropped him off each Thursday evening. Penn had stopped short of asking him for names and phone numbers. He was making progress in the whole ‘letting go’ process.

Not going tonight.

Penn quickly texted back.

Why not?

Don’t feel well.

What’s wrong. Have you checked your temperature?

Penn tapped his fingers as he waited for a response.

Calm down, Ozzy. Just feel a bit sick.

Penn was relieved but not totally appeased.

Have you eaten something bad?

Jelly babies.

A bag?Penn asked.

A box.

Penn chuckled at the row of sicky green emojis that followed his words. A frown accompanied his next thought or rather suspicion. Was he, the elder brother, the pity vote? Was Jasper putting it on so Penn wouldn’t be on his own?

You sure that’s all it is????

Penn pushed. Had someone said something unkind to him? Had he been singled out and bullied?


Penn could imagine his face creased in confusion. Collateral damage of being a police officer was not taking anything at face value.