Page 39 of Hidden Scars

She considered mentioning Stacey, but she wasn’t sure her colleague had heard of it either.

‘Okay, you’re going to learn some disturbing stuff,’ he said, checking his watch. ‘Conversion therapy in all its forms is designed to turn gay people straight. It is rejected by every mainstream mental-health organisation, but some practitioners continue to conduct it even though it can lead to depression, anxiety, drug use and suicide.

‘America is pretty open about sharing its statistics and they estimate twenty thousand minors in the states without protections will be subjected to conversion therapy. Some right-wing religious groups promote the concept that an individual can change their sexual orientation either through prayer or other religious efforts. Research does not substantiate this claim and deems SOCE to be harmful.’

‘SOCE?’ Bryant asked.

‘The full term is sexual orientation change efforts, widely known as conversion therapy.’

‘Got it.’

‘There’s no proof it works but ample proof it causes significant medical and psychological harm. Confusion about sexual orientation is not unusual during adolescence and counselling can help, but therapy directed specifically at changing sexuality obviously provokes guilt and anxiety, because the belief that same-sex attraction is abnormal and in need of treatment is in opposition to those taken by mental-health organisations.’

‘Surely a balanced view is offered by any counsellor?’ Kim asked.

Cliff shook his head. ‘Not in conversion therapy. The possibility that the person might achieve happiness and satisfying relationships is not presented, nor are alternative approaches to dealing with the effects of social stigmatisation.’

‘But how can you treat something that isn’t a disorder?’ Kim asked.

‘You catch on quick, Inspector. That’s the whole point. Any intervention purporting to treat something that isn’t a disorder is wholly unethical because it doesn’t allow for the normal variants of human sexuality. People who have unsuccessfully attempted to change their sexual orientation experience considerable psychological distress.’

‘Okay, back up,’ Kim said, trying to take it all in. ‘Where do these therapists come from?’

‘Mainly they spring from far-right, faith-based organisations.’

‘The church?’

‘Not as a whole. We’re talking extremists. Some groups have promoted the idea of sexuality as symptomatic of development defects or spiritual and moral failing. The inability to change is a personal and moral failure. How’s that for a bit more self-hatred to add to the guilt pile?’

‘You’re gay because you didn’t pray hard enough?’ Kim asked.

Cliff nodded.

‘And you say minors are at risk?’

‘Absolutely, because it’s often parents seeking intervention.’

Kim thought about Jamie and couldn’t help but wonder what other methods his parents had tried.

‘There’s still forced SOCE in many countries, including the US, China, India, Japan. Recently, a Russian citizen was apprehended by the militia as a suspected lesbian, forced to undergo treatment such as sedative drugs and hypnosis. We’re not just talking therapy. It goes a lot deeper than that. Methods include cognitive behavioural techniques, psychoanalytical techniques, medical approaches, religious and spiritual methods. There are—’ He stopped speaking as a soft tap sounded on the door.

Karen’s head appeared.

‘Sorry, Cliff, but Bernie’s here. She’s in room two.’

Cliff pushed himself up from the chair. ‘I’m sorry. I got carried away, but…’

‘What would be the first step?’ Kim asked, following suit and standing. ‘Say a parent felt that her child was diseased. How would she take it up a notch to get her child cured?’

‘Maybe have a chat with Exodus Plus. See if your boy was known to them.’

‘And what’s Exodus Plus now?’ Kim asked.

She saw a flash of annoyance on Cliff’s face as though she was asking him the first letter of the alphabet.

‘Exodus Plus is an ex-gay movement, and now I really do have to go,’ he said, leaving the room.

Kim forgave his impatience. He had someone waiting who needed his help.