“No, it’s not mine. It’s Vasilisa’s. I had to…” I trailed off, remembering the feeling of being so close to dying, and the utter emptiness to her lifeless eyes.
“I’m sorry you had to do that. I’m sorry for everything, Arianna."
“Oh, my love.” I still hadn’t touched him, my hands hovered over his body but there was nowhere safe to touch. My eyes zeroed in on his stomach. Matteo pressed his hand down harder and more blood leaked out between his fingers. My hands flew to my mouth, tears burned ugly trails down my face. A soft touch lifted my chin. Matteo looked me in the eye, warm and full of confidence.
“Don’t worry about that.”
“Matteo, you’ve been shot! You need a doctor,” I wailed. There was so much blood. How much longer could he go bleeding like that?
“What I need is for you to kiss me. I need to feel you. Kiss me, Beautiful.”
My hands cupped his face and I kissed him. I tried to be gentle but Matteo gripped the back of my head and deepened the kiss into a wild, crazy ride. He fisted my hair and devoured me as if it would be the last time. I kissed him back harder. The taste of his blood should have sickened me but I didn’t care. The kiss went on, neither of us wanting it to end.
Finally Matteo broke away, panting in pain. I brushed the sweat from his brow. Footsteps sounded and my head shot up. Steven was half jogging down the hall towards us. He looked worse for wear with some minor injuries and blood in places but otherwise appeared ok.
“Steven, we have to get him to a doctor.”
Steven came to a stop, staring down at Matteo. His face fell and his throat bobbed in a hard swallow.
“Steven!” His head snapped to attention and looked at me. I knew what he was thinking, it was written all over his face. It was the same thing shredding my heart to pieces. “We have to go, now.”
“Find some towels or something for the bleeding, I’ll get him up.”
Jumping to my feet I rushed from door to door until I found a small guest bathroom. Flinging open the drawers I found two hand towels, swiped them up and ran back to Matteo and Steven.
Matteo grunted as Steven looped one arm around his back and hooked Matteo’s arm over his shoulder. With one great heave Steven lifted Matteo to his feet. Matteo’s teeth ground together as he attempted to help.
“Arianna,” Steven said. “Press the towels to his wound.”
I walked forward and Matteo lifted his hand so I could place the towels, then pressed his bloody hand over mine.
“Press harder,” Steven commanded.
I hesitated. It was going to hurt and Matteo was already in intense pain, I didn’t want to help cause more, but if I didn’t Matteo would bleed out that much faster.
I pressed until my palm crushed the soft fabric. Matteo hissed and I whimpered. The three of us awkwardly moved down the hall. Matteo was quiet and I could see all his concentration centered on putting one foot in front of the other.
My breath caught when we reached the living room. Blood covered most of the surfaces and furniture. Dead bodies laid in different positions, some with eyes open and some closed. The open ones gave me the creeps, I had to make myself not look. Maneuvering through the bullet ridden, blood splattered room we made our way into the entry and out the front door. Vinny was there, with an SUV standing by ready to take off. I spied a body bound and gagged in the back before the trunk door slammed. Nico looked like he’d gone a few rounds with a gorilla, but knew it would be nothing compared to what Matteo was going to do to him.
Vinny ran over to us as others who’d come for us piled into another SUV with more wounded. “I already called Eduardo. He’s prepping the surgery room now,” Vinny rushed out.
“Thanks, Vinny,” Matteo answered, with not much enthusiasm.
“Get the door,” Steven asked Vinny.
Vinny ran to the door behind the driver seat and flung it open. With difficulty Steven and I settled Matteo in the seat. His breathing was ragged and his face was horribly pale.
“Hold on baby, I’m going to get in.” I moved to round the car when Matteo’s hand lashed out and caught my wrist.
“No,” he croaked.
My heart stopped. “What do you mean, no?”
“You are not coming with me. Steven is going to get you out of here.”
I turned to Steven and saw the surprised look on his face. This was news to him too, but he nodded, accepting the underlying command from his boss.
I shook my head and looked back at Matteo, my body tingled with fear. “No! I’m going with you! I’m not leaving you!” It sounded maybe a bit silly since I was willing to seek away only a day ago, but so much had changed in that short time.