Once I was done I took in my appearance. It wasn’t a full on mask but it was enough to make someone not recognize me right away. Lifting my hood I hid my face in shadow and took a deep breath.
It would take every ounce of restraint I had not to look at Chris as I exited. Even more not to look back over my shoulder.
Dumping my phone in the trash I moved to the door. Reaching for the handle I paused one last time. There was no going back once I left that bathroom. There was no way to explain my behavior if I lost my nerve. Chris wasn’t stupid. If I failed to go through with it he would know what was going on and call Matteo.
My chest shook with fear at the thought. Matteo would be livid. It was do or die. Or stay in the bathroom, undo everything and make the excuse that I had to poop.
I thought of Maria and what she told me that morning in the kitchen.Ignoring our motherly instincts can sometimes cost more than the price to follow them. In all things, be brave.
With those lines lending me strength I bent my head and yanked the door open. Chris barely paid me any notice as I walked passed, but I could feel his gaze stretching to see in the bathroom.
Don’t look back.
Out the corner of my eye I saw Seth still waiting in line, looking like he’d rather be standing on hot coals than in an ice cream shop.
Not slowing I made it to the door and stepped out onto the bustling street bathed in twilight. With my head down I turned left to head up the street. The bus station was two blocks up and three blocks over.
All I had to do was make it there. A bus was scheduled to leave in the next thirty minutes. It would take me down the coast first. From there I would buy a ticket to ride one all the way out west.
It was a good plan.
A really good plan… until I bumped into a hard chest. Looking up to give a quick apology my heart stopped.
I gazed up at a handsome face.
Matteo’s handsome face, with murder in his eyes.
The whole world stopped. My body froze as my mouth flopped opened and shut like a fish out of water as fear stole my ability to speak.
Matteo’s hands slowly slid up my arms. I couldn’t move as his silent fury held me in place. Once his fingers gripped my biceps they squeezed, hard. I hissed as fingertips dug into my flesh.
Oh my God! But how?
Pain brought my voice back. “How did you know?” I whispered.
His jaw ground together as he remained speechless. Cold brown eyes beat down on me mercilessly. “I didn’t,” he ground out.
What?That made no sense. If he didn’t know, then how was he here?
I opened my mouth again to ask but he cut me off, leaning in close to speak in my ear.
“We are going home,wife.” Never before had I heard such malice poured out in that title. Before I could think to do anything Matteo spun, still holding my left arm in a death grip, dragging me towards his car parked a few spots down.
I hissed and gritted my teeth against the pain his fingers were causing. If Matteo heard he didn’t care in the least. Opening the passenger door he practically threw me in and slammed the door.
After rounding the car and getting in beside me the driver peeled out of the space. Matteo reached for his phone and dialed. “I have Arianna you worthless piece of shit,” he said, and I knew he must be talking to Chris. There was a loud banging of doors on the other end, I pictured Chris searching the bathroom, then heard his panicked voice. “Never mind how. I will deal with you later. For now, stay the fuck away from me or I will kill you.”
I sucked in a breath. I knew the danger I was putting the men in by leaving but hearing the promise in Matteo’s tone made me want to crawl in a hole and hide.
Then he turned to look at me and ice filled my veins. My body started shaking like a leaf. There was no warmth. No care. Only pure unfathomable rage. For the first time in my life Matteo scared me, with the possibility of hurtingme.
Arianna looked ready to rattle apart as she shook with fear across from me.Good. She should be scared.
If Arianna had any idea how angry I was she probably would’ve tried to jump out the moving vehicle. But my anger was nothing compared to the hurt. It came with a darkness as black and thick as tar, filling my veins with agony.