Page 17 of Dare To Free Us

“Thank you,” I sighed. My heart swelled with brotherly love for him. We may not share the same blood but I was closer to him than I ever was to my own brother. We connected from the first day he came into our home as nothing more than a scrawny homeless kid, and we’d had each other’s back ever since. Though I still feared my fathers anger coming down on him, I was immensely grateful that he was with me in this as always.

“You know what tonight might cause?” I said in a low voice. I thought about it over and over again for days. No matter what the repercussions might be there simply wasn’t another way to approach the situation. Luca didn’t answer my rhetorical question, probably because we’d been over it a million times and he’d always answered the same way, simply acknowledging that it was a huge risk.

There were limited options and the days had already stretched into weeks. Arianna must’ve been going out of her mind. I kept checking my phone to see if she’d texted even though I had forbidden it. I wouldn’t blame her, I was one weak moment away from breaking my own rule. I yearned to hear her voice let alone hold her in my arms. But I held firm.

This had to look like a business deal to my father, one that made logical sense. With no contact it made it more believable that I viewed Arianna without much respect and that would convince him more than anything that she wasn’t a weakness, and popping her cherry was nothing more than a conquest to test whether she could please me in bed. It was fucked up and felt all kinds for wrong to me to allow anyone to think I thought so low of what happened between us, but if it meant Arianna and I being together it had to be done.

Luca pulled up to a three story building with broken windows and bricks crumbling at the corners. The large rolling door was caved in and looked to be out of commission, but as Luca rolled down the window enough to let the camera hanging on the building see his face the door rolled to the left granting us entry. We pulled inside and the door closed behind us with a horrible grating noise as men approached our vehicle. A man came to the drivers door in a dark suit and an even darker expression. Luca and I exited the vehicle and the man took it to the parking area elsewhere in the building.

To anyone getting this far— which only people with money and power did— the building looked to be nothing more than a run down pile of shit needing to be put out of its misery.

No one would suspect what was hiding underneath. It was a well kept secret that the own took seriously. The owner didn’t want just anyone one showing up at the door. You had to be the right person or know them to hear about this establishment.

We made our way to the elevators that were guarded by two bouncers. They nodded to us and pushed the button for the doors to open and we stepped inside. The doors closed and the elevator descended two stories below ground level.

A weighted silence stretched between Luca and I as the elevator drew closer to its destination. Tension began to build in my shoulders as I thought about how close we were to the point of no return. I questioned myself if I was making the right decision. If risking Luca’s well being was worth it?

“You still believe she’s worth it?” Luca asked matter of factly, probably just to make me say it out loud to calm my own nerves. Luca knew I often brooded in silence. He knew me too well, sometimes it was flat out annoying how well he could read me. But, on the other hand it made me feel closer to him than anyone.

“Yes,” I replied without a moment’s hesitation. Because Arianna was worth anything I could give. Luca knew the risk and had willingly agreed. I had to let that fact wash away any remaining concern for him. My heart squeezed in my chest at the thought of Arianna in my arms, and my body grew hot at the memory of her skin against mine. Being without her the past weeks had been torture.

“Then let’s get this done,” Luca said with an excited smile, the one that always showed when violence was on the horizon.

The doors opened to a small, dark-lit room with a red door at the other end. Two women in the skimpiest sets of lingerie you could imagine greeted us with silent smiles. They handed us each a plain, black leather mask to cover the top half of our faces as we approached. We put them on and one of the girls opened the door for us.

The massive room was illuminated with red lights in the low lit space as seductive music played just loud enough to drowned out most other sounds. The smell of lavender and sex punctuated the air as we made our way into the room, all eyes turning on us for a quick second.

Luca and I had both been here before, when we were young and exploring what it meant to lose your inhibitions. It had only taken once for me to realize places like this were not for me. Strip clubs were one thing, getting lap dances and watching women on the stage. But this place took watching and being watched to a whole other level. Not everyone here went to private rooms, they wanted the attention. I hated it. A girl climbed into your lap and the guy across the way got off on watching you get dry humped while a woman jacked him off or literally fucked him. Fuck that. Even going to a private room made me cringe, thinking how fucking dirty the place must be and shuddered when I thought about what a blacklight would reveal. This was all besides the fact that I was able to sleep with just about any woman I wanted, and could get them to do anything I asked in bed, so why the hell would I pay for it and put myself on display in the process?

I’m a private person. I don’t like eyes on me when I’m enjoying a woman’s company. In that moment of being with her— whether I could even remember her name or not— she was mine. I’m possessive, and I wouldn’t share what I claimed with anyone until I was done with her.

On that trail of thought my mind jumped to Arianna and a possessiveness like I’d never felt consumed me. I wanted her before, hated men looking at her, but had squashed that feeling deep down because I’d known it was all kinds of fucked up because she would never be mine. Now she would be mine and the idea of other men drooling over her made me want to rage like a caveman and bash in the heads of anyone that would dare direct their lecherous gaze her way.

Arianna was all I wanted, the only woman that could get me hard with a simple smirk and come-get-me eyes. Arianna got my blood pumping hard enough to make my heart explode and fear coming in my pants like a damn virgin. And I fucking loved it. I loved that feeling of being completely destroyed by her and knowing she felt the same.

Even stepping into the room filled with naked women walking around in nothing but shoes and masks made of leather or feathers in various colors did nothing for me. Men stretched out on couches with women draped over their laps or leading them away to a private room.

A man walked by leading a woman by a choker chain. Her nipples were pierced, connected by a silvers chain that went from one breast to the other then down to the piercing between her legs. Her face was neutral under the mask while the man’s gleamed with anticipation as he drug her along. Any man could find whatever fetish or fantasy he was looking to fulfill here. Some women wore pigtails and knee high stockings like school girls, some had tattoos and piercings, and many were just your average mens’ greatest wet-dream of model perfect— whatever that meant for them. The list went on the more your eyes took in.

I turned to Luca to see if he was getting distracted but his focus was ironclad as we crossed the space, getting pawed at by the women and purposely avoiding eye contact with the men.

I spotted a woman with a mask of bright red feathers and a diamond set between her eyes. She was straddling a man in a low sitting chair grinding on him while he palmed her breasts and the man next to him watched, his hands tied behind the chair, with a woman leaning over him from the back, her hand down his pants and whispering in his ear.

I moved straight for the woman with the red mask, the man under her giving me a dark look as I approached without so much as a glance at him. She turned to look up at me with recognition in her eyes. My informant had told me this would be my contact and from the unsurprised reaction he must have warned her I was coming and she’d been waiting. The woman didn’t miss a beat in her rhythm as I bent down to her level.

Leaning down so she could speak in my ear I consecrated on nothing at all as her breasts came straight into my downward view and her hips continued to grind on the man’s crotch. I got a strong feeling of guilt as I realized Arianna would probably be hurt to hear of me being somewhere like this while she was waiting on me to come for her. But it couldn’t be helped. I wasn’t turned on by the woman in front of me and wouldn’t have set foot in here if it wasn’t for the fact it was necessary to find my prey so vulnerable.

The woman relayed the information I needed. I stood and strode away with Luca on my heals.

We passed through the main room into a hall lined with doors. As the music faded into the background moans and cries of pleasure came from behind the closed doors, some of them accompanied by the sounds of whips and the rattling of chains. The open ones not always empty as they were purposefully left open by the people that got off being watched. Which a few people were taking them up on, as we slipped past a guy watching a threesome of two men and woman inside one of the rooms.

That was something I was never into either. Watching other people did nothing for me, and I sure as fuck did not share with other men. Any woman who made the suggestion to me was quickly booted out. I would be only one taking pleasure from her and giving it. Call me selfish or old fashioned but that was me and everyone else could get fucked for all I cared.

The thought that I was the only man to basically ever touch Arianna made me want to roar like a king and scream to the world that she was mine. The idea of another man touching her made me want to burn the world down so there was never a chance. She wasminein the most animalistic-alpha-male kind of way, now and forever.

But this place made me momentarily wonder if I was too dirty to be putting my hands on her. I’ve been with lots of women and done many of the things with them that was taking place in this establishment. She was so damned innocent that things like this would have her head spinning. How would Arianna look at me if she knew just how many women I’d been with and the fact that even though I wasn’t into public places, I was dominant in the bedroom and had particular tastes. My pants grew tight as my dick swelled to the image of her wrists bound to my headboard and fully at my mercy.

All her long hair would fan out across the beautiful pillows, her back would arch up off the mattress, nipples hard and pointed to the ceiling as I made her come on my tongue while she jerked on the restraints and weakly begged me to let her touch me. I’d make her cry out over and over again while I took what I wanted and gave her all the pleasure she could stand, and then some.