Page 9 of Dare To Free Us

“I’m sure you don’t. Woman have no mind for business.”

Asshole.With that I decided I’d had quite enough of our short conversation. I didn’t know what he would want with me and didn’t care to find out. Not wanting to wait on the check I pulled a hundred from my wallet—over twice the bill— and set it on the table. “Well, it was nice meeting you but I have to go.” I started to rise from my chair.

“Sit. Down.”

The chilling command of his voice froze me in place. I turned back to Shura and watched the semi-charming look in his eyes turn into all out anger. He hadn’t moved a muscle, but Shura’s body had gone as rigid as an oak tree. He raised one hand and pointed to my seat with a finger.

My body slowly slid back into my chair as ice chilled my veins. Men like Shura didn’t care about public viewers. I knew if I refused he would send his men after me and then who knew where they would have dragged me off to.

At least in the restaurant there were still witnesses, and that was mildly comforting.

Being so far away from home for college I’d forgotten the daily hassle of being my father’s daughter. I’d never needed bodyguards, most knowing who I was were too scared to cause waves with the Russos, but it didn’t stop some with dangerous ambition from trying to get to my dad through me. There was always the risk someone too ignorant or stupid to be scared of threatening me. Their bark always turned out to be worst than their bite. Then there were the few— much like the man in front of me— that simply didn’t care. Those were the dangerous ones.

“I can’t do anything for you. I told you, I don’t have anything to do with my father’s… dealings.”

Shura smiled like the Cheshire Cat when he had a dirty little secret. “Is not what I want you to doforme. Is what I want fromyou.” For the first time he ran his gaze down my body and I shivered from the look in his eyes. I’d never felt so exposed while being fully clothed. I could practically see the image of him throwing me on the table, ripping my dress off, and fucking me in his eyes.

Oh, shit.This was really bad and getting worse. I needed a way out without pissing him off so I could call my father and he could pass on the information. Lorenzo would send someone to search out Shura and warn him off. My gaze swept the room but there was no lightbulb of an escape plan that popped on in my head. My heart started beating fast as panic began to fester.

“Welcome to Angelo’s Mr. Russo. Let me show you to a table.” My gaze snapped around at the receptionist’s voice so fast my head nearly came off my shoulders. My eyes tried to bulge out of my head.

There he was. Standing in the front entrance with the ever loyal Luca at his side. He was just as beautiful as I remembered. Maybe even more so. My heart squeezed and jumped so hard I nearly gasped out loud.

Matteo’s curly hair he still kept short on the sides and longer on top shone under the lights as it brushed across his forehead. His strong jaw and sharp brown eyes demanded authority while his tailored suit did a wonderful job at making him look mouthwatering.

I stared at him, completely forgetting about the man across from me as I watched him follow the receptionist through the tables. As he did, his eyes swept the room and found mine.

Matteo stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me like I was the sun that had come out in the middle of the night. Surprise rendered him just as immobile as me even as Luca spoke in his ear.

Everything came back full force. That same heat and possessiveness was in his eyes from that night in his office. It shot back at me, straight into my heart as it shivered against my rib cage.

BANG. The sound made me jump.

The slight pounding of a fist on the table brought my focus back to an angry Shura who’s eyes blazed with frustration. He hadn’t heard Matteo come in and was angry that my attention had been averted elsewhere. “You will look at me when I speak to you, Arianna. Something you will learn to mind well in time.”

My back snapped straight as all the blood drained from my face. In time? What the hell?

My eyes desperately shot back to Matteo. He stiffened at my wide eyed fear then looked at Shura. It was like Matteo had just noticed Shura and the hatred that burned for him was enough to melt metal. Without hesitation he powered across the room to our table.

He came to stand beside me, much like a predator staking his claim. “Arianna.” He spoke soft and tight. Luca had placed himself between Matteo and the table of Shura’s men who all stood up.

“Matteo,” I whispered. It was hard to believe he was real. Just hearing him say my name was enough to make my head swim. My heart rate jacked sky high. I smelled his spicy cologne, my body screamed for me to lean forward and pull in more of it.

“Fuck off Matteo, the lady is with me. Is that not right, Arianna?” Shura drew my name out with a warning. I couldn’t answer as my tongue went numb. Luckily I didn’t have too.

“The fuck she is, Shura. Get lost.” Shura looked up at Matteo and I was sure that he had the mind to kill Matteo where he stood.

The room suddenly got very small and chilled. Luca shifted on his feet as Shura’s men took a step forward and the stare-down continued. I felt tempted to look around and see what everyone else thought of the situation, but couldn’t stop looking at Matteo.

He stood completely calm as he glared down at Shura with authority. He was power and command on a level I hadn’t personally witnessed before. But there were rumors. Matteo had the ability to be so deadly calm in tense situations it made men back down like submissive dogs.

A sudden rush of warmth swirled low in my belly. I shivered as my arousal made me throb and my panties wet.

Matteo always had a presence. From the first moment I saw him as a little girl he felt larger than life. He’d given me a little wink and I remember wanting to hide behind the wall with the rush of happiness it gave me. Everything about Matteo spoke of power. The way he walked and carried himself like he could conquer the world if he so desired drew me in like a moth to a flame. Then as I got older the shy little smiles and feelings of being special when noticed changed dramatically. Instead of feeling special when he smiled I felt my body draw tight with lust and my heart thump like a war drum.

Then it was back to feeling special whenever I saw Matteo’s entire demeanor change when we were alone together, even if it was just for a few moments. The harshness in his eyes would melt away, letting his shoulders relax. He’d smile and let whatever weighed on him slip away, as though I was the counterweight on the scale of his burdens, taking the stress. I wanted to be that for Matteo. I yearned to be his peace, someone he could be himself with. I knew that’s what he needed and was fully prepared to share the load and be his safe space for the rest of my life.

There was nothing compared to the warmth I experienced knowing that Matteo felt that from me. I fell in love with him because of it.