“Tell me, Arianna,” she said, taking both my hands in hers.
“Shura has come back. Matteo tried to prevent it but something went wrong. He won’t tell me details as usual, but I know that it was bad.” I sighed, feeling tired of trying to pretend I hadn’t noticed a change. “He’s become withdrawn, and a bit paranoid. Even when Victor was here he wasn’t this strict with security. I feel suffocated, but I can’t talk to him about it because he isalwaysgone. And when he is around it’s like his mind is somewhere else.”
Maria patted my hand. “Give him time. Whatever is happening, Matteo will work it out.”
I nodded my head, wishing I didn’t feel like any amount oftimesounded like forever.
I missed him. Whatever Matteo was dealing with seemed to pull him away from me and leave an ever-present cold on my skin. He was gone so much I found myself going to bed or waking up to cold sheets next to me more than I was comfortable with.
The night of the gala had been amazing, but by the time we’d finished our love making I’d passed out, utterly exhausted. The next morning when I woke, Matteo was already gone.
I touched my stomach and told myself that whatever Matteo was doing it wasn’t without necessity. That making sure I was safe and business was booming was ultimately for the future of our child.
Maria and I sat in the waiting room of my OBGYN office. I was so nervous and excited my knee wouldn’t stop bouncing. Maria would giggle a bit every time her gaze caught my bouncing knee but didn’t tease me or try to calm me down. She knew there was no stopping the nerves and simply let me be.
There were three other couples sitting in the room as well who I kept making eye contact with and giving a weak smile. The woman with a very large belly that her husband couldn’t stop touching would give me a knowing grin.
“First time?” She finally asked after catching me staring at her belly for the tenth time.
“Ah, yeah. You?” She looked so damn calm I could tell this was not her first rodeo.
“Oh, no,” she said smiling at her husband. “This is our sixth.”
My eyes went wide as I was struck silent. Six kids? The woman didn’t look to but much older than me. I was about to ask if they were all planned when the front door opened and Matteo stepped inside.
I jumped from my seat and rushed to meet him as I hugged his big form to me in hopes of grounding myself. He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head. I sighed as some of the tension left my body.
Pulling back I tilted my head up so I could plant a kiss on his lips. When I opened my eyes my gut hardened. “Matteo, are you ok?” He looked a bit pale.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“You look like you’re going to puke.” That got a weak smile out of him.
“Am I not allowed to be nervous?” He asked with mock surprise. The woman I’d spoken with a moment ago sneezed.
“No. No you’re not.” I stated in a sure tone. “You’re supposed to be a rock that doesn’t break while I pile loads of hormone driven emotions and nervousness and fear onto you, all while you pretend it doesn’t faze you one bit.”
Matteo’s head fell back on a laugh. “I’ll do my best, but you drive a hard bargain. If I feel like freaking out I’ll cry in the shower while you are sleeping so you won’t hear.” Matteo tried his best not to laugh.
“Fair enough,” I agreed with a nod. Matteo knew I was joking but really I was only slightly exaggerating.
“Sorry I’m late. But I brought you flowers.” He produced a bouquet of mixed flowers from behind my back. The woman with her big belly sneezed again.
I hadn’t even noticed the flowers before, too wrapped up in just having him there. I took the flowers and gave them a big sniff, thanking God that my ability to love the smell hadn’t perished with pregnancy. As it was, my ability to handle raw meat was out, the smell of cooking onions made we gag every time. Matteo had to start wearing lighter cologne because his normal stuff was now overpowering. That one really made me mad because damn I loved the smell of his cologne.
“Excuse me.” I turned to find the woman’s husband had approached us even as his wife was calling for him to come back. He looked nervous as he rubbed at the back of his neck. I wondered how many of their kids got his dirty blond hair and would end up tall like him. “Um, can I ask for you to take the flowers outside?” He grimaced as Matteo puffed with annoyance, but continued on. “You see, my wife’s allergies go crazy when she’s pregnant and the flowers are driving her a little crazy right now.”
Matteo’s shoulders softened. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I said, looking over at the woman just as she sneezed into a tissue again. The other couples were watching us too. “I'll have my husband take them out to the car.”
“Thanks,” the man sighed, turning his focus on Matteo. “Sorry to ruin the moment for you man. I haven’t been able to buy my wife flower for almost seven years straight,” he chuckled.
“Not a problem.” Matteo assured him with a half smile. The man left and Matteo took the flowers from me. “I’ll be right back.”
“Ok.” Matteo hurried out the door and was back in a flash. I’d just sat back down in my chair, Matteo lowering himself beside me when a nurse opened the door leading to the back rooms.