“You do that.” I watched her squeeze through the crowd and disappear into the sea of elegantly dressed people.
“What was that all about?”
“Nothing, Mom,” I sighed as she approached. Catarina Delucci was a wonder in silver, her dark hair flowing in waves down her back. I looked into the same shaped eyes as mine and felt the warmth radiating from them.
“Didn’t look like nothing.”
“Just Tanya, being Tanya,” I shrugged.
“Ah, I see.” Tanya’s reputation was no secret, much to her families disapproval. With her father being a senator he had his work cut out for him to keep her partying and social-life antics out of the media.
“The party is great, Mom. The silent auction is a major success.”
“Yes, it’s been a successful night so far. Is Matteo still coming?”
My mouth pinched in frustration. “I haven’t heard from him yet, so I don’t know if he is going to make it or not.”
Someone called out to her. “Well, if he doesn’t, tell him hi for us.”
“I will,” I promised, before she hurried off to be a good host.
I stood and brooded in place for a few more moments. The live auction was due to start in a few minutes and everyone was starting to take their seats at the tables and face the stage. I stayed where I was at the back of the room, too annoyed to want to be a part of it. Steven stood off to my left just like he had been all night. His presence only fueled my aggravation.
I knew the moment Matteo arrived because a small hush fell over the room as he entered from the main entryway across the room. People parted for him or stepped up to shake his hand. His gaze swept the room looking for me and it was normally the moment I stepped forward to go to him. But I was feeling a bit childish and was going to make him find me.
Matteo looked like a dark fantasy dressed in all black with the golden tie and pocket square I had made to match my dress. He stopped and chatted to a few men who were eager to keep his attention, but moved on quickly from each one. I found it odd, most of the time Matteo was more than happy to take every advantage of a gathering such as the gala.
When he’d managed to get halfway across the room he spotted me. His smile came and went when he realized I wasn’t smiling back. Without giving anyone another moment of his time he pushed through the crowd towards me.
His scowl rolled into place. “Why are you mad?”Men. Then his face softened. “I’m sorry I’m so late,” he apologized, stepping into me and placing his hands on my arms.
“I was looking forward to tonight, you knew that.” I dumped my glass on a passing serve’s platter and folded my arms.
“I’m sorry. How can I make it up to you?”
I watched him, and even though he was looking at me, it felt like his focus was still far away. As if he was on autopilot while the real him was dealing with something else he hadn’t fully walked away from.
“Well you can start by telling your men to back off. It’s become ridiculous. I don’t need three men to grocery shop with me, and Steven doesn’t need to be a monkey on my back at all times.”
“It’s necessary right now, Arianna.” He paused, taking in all of me for the first time. “You look amazing by the way, Beautiful.”
My heart softened a bit. I wanted to argue but now wasn’t the best time or place. Plus, it was just so good to see him. “Thank you. You look quite mouth-watering yourself.”
A cunning smile stretched his lips, then he leaned in to kiss me, but before our lips could meet his phone rang. Matteo pulled back immediately and answered. I stood there dumbfounded.
Did he just answer his phone over kissing me?Anger had the tops of my ears burning. Indignation made my mind unable to hear anything but the rapid pounding of my heart.
After a quick, cryptic conversation with whoever, Matteo hung up and started texting. I wanted to scream. What was he even doing here if he was just going ignore me and work? I needed to do something to pull his focus back to me.
I leaned in a bit closer and whispered into his ear. Matteo didn’t even flinch at my words. His complete focus centered on his phone. I pulled back ready to burst into flames. Then spun and started heading for the exit.
I was done. If what I just told him didn’t have an effect on him then I was going home. He could spend the rest of the evening working for all I gave a rat’s ass. I knew my hormones were not helping. I felt myself trying to talk my rage down as the unfathomable urge to scream built in my throat.
I didn’t ask for much, but time was important to me. He showed up, but he wasn’t really present.
Matteo’s strong hand caught my wrist before I made it too far. Matteo spun me and pulled me flush to his body. “Where are you going? Why did you just take off,” he asked angrily.
“Because you’re not here, Matteo,” I hissed at him as quietly as I could.