Page 27 of Dare To Free Us

Then I took her face in my hands and laid a hard kiss on her lips. Her nails dug into my ribs as she gripped my sides. It was all teeth and tight lips, Arianna answering with just as much aggression.

My hands ran up and down her perfect body once before my control exploded. Spinning her around I bent her over so her hands braced on the wall. “Sorry Beautiful, I don’t have the ability to be gentle tonight.”

“Just do it,” she panted as she spread her legs wide for me.

I took her hard and brutal. Not holding back an ounce of strength as I used her to rid myself of all doubts. She cried out to not stop, to give it all to her as I bruised her hips with my fingers and thrust her up onto her tippy-toes.

And that’s one reason why I loved her so much. She understood my need to sometimes fuck the shit out of her because my work laid a heavy weight on my shoulders that only she could eleviate.

Heavy is the crown. And my queen wore her’s like a fucking boss.

Arianna understood her role when it came to sharing the weight. She was my rock, my peace and serenity. The person that I trusted most and would die for without a second thought. She was my release, in every way.

Her moans and cries reached a high that bounced off the walls. “Matteo, it’s too much.” She’d become much more sensitive since becoming pregnant.

“Your going to take it, Arianna. I need you to take it.” I hammered into her harder and soon I was coming too. My back snapped straight as I roared out in ecstasy.

Arianna nearly fell to the floor before I could catch her when her knees gave out. She panted and sucked in air as I held her with one arm and braced our weight on the wall with the other.

“I take it things did not go so well,” she said, putting her arms around me.


“Want to tell me about it?”


I felt her frown against my chest. She hated one word answers but I had nothing else for her. I wouldn’t have known how to tell her even if I was willing.

She wouldn’t like any answer I gave her. It was better that she didn’t know.



Igrowled to myself and swung my basket around to find a different aisle to cut through. The supermarket was busy and I was constantly having to choose a different way to cut across the store.

It probably didn’t help that I was already at an all time high of frustration, due to the fact I had three large bodyguards breathing down my neck.

After Victor was killed a couple years back things became relatively quiet. Enough so that I could drive my own car and go places without much escort most of the time. My bodyguards became more like shadows that lingered far enough away that I could pretend they weren’t there.

But after Matteo came home that night from the botched plan— that I still had no details about— he’d become almost paranoid. I mean, part of it felt endearing and I understood the reason, but mostly I felt smothered.

Every time I stepped out of the house three men would glue themselves to me and hover. Unless I was at home I had no privacy. I was used to one man accompanying me or a pair following in a separate car but this had become ridiculous.

As I spun I narrowly avoided hitting Steven in the knee again. “Sorry,” I muttered. I actually liked Steven. He’d watched over Becka and I could see why he was so easy for her to be around. He was the kind of guy that’s hard not to like. The other two—Chris and Leo— however, were a total menace.

Leo actually made a baby cry just by looking at it with his death glare, and Chris, I’m surprised he didn’t tackle the old lady who cut me off in the dairy aisle.

“Steven, is there any way you guys can back off just a bit? Maybe the other two can wait in the car? We look like a bloody sideshow with you guys crawling up my ass all the damn time.”

Steven scowled at me and I think it had to do with the use of my ass and them in the same sentence. “Sorry Mrs. Russo, but no. These are Matteo’s orders. You’ll have to discuss it with him.”

“Oh, believe me, I will.”

His mouth twisted into a restrained smirk.

After entering the vegetable section I felt the urge to pee for the hundredth time. I sighed knowing it was all just beginning. I thought having to pee all the time didn’t come until you were big and carrying an extra fifteen pounds on your bladder. Not the case. Not to mention the morning sickness, or should I say all-day-persistently-annoying sickness. I didn’t feel like I would huck my guts all the time, but the nagging sensation in my throat hung around like a bad hangover— and I didn’t even get the pleasure of drinking.Ugh.