My blood boiled.
Any woman working as a hype-girl expected to get the roaming hand once in a while and our bouncers took care of it with zero restraint. But the little bitch had brought his own bodyguards who weren’t doing dick about it.
The smell of spilled vodka wafted from the area like a cloud, making my nose wrinkle as I approached. His guards started to block me but after realizing who I was backed away, showing they had a touch more sense than a rock.
Simon Eldrich lounged back in his seat with a smug smile full of arrogance even as I thundered down on him, too stupid to realize I was about to ruin his night.
“Matteoooo! Join us.” He gestured to the small entourage of trust-fund babies and sluts he’d brought along with him, all wearing more money on their bodies than most people made in a paycheck working a minimum-wage job.
But his smile disappeared the moment I gripped the front of his hideous suit, hauled him out of his seat and crushed his back onto the table. Glass shattered and shouts rang out as Simon screamed in pain from the glass now sticking in his back.
“Ahh! What the fuck! Guards!” he screamed, while giving a toddlers effort to fight me off.
I glanced up to see Luca holding guns to both the bodyguard’s heads as the club raged on around us. That cold creature that lived inside Luca showed just how indifferent he would feel to pulling both triggers if it meant protecting me.
I snarled down into Simon’s face who had now gone pale at the seriousness of the situation. “You fucking threaten me in my own club?”
“I… I’m sorry, Matteo.” Simon’s hot, reeking breath wafted over my face.
“You’re not sorry yet.” I pulled a knife from my jacket and held it to his balls, ignoring the gasps of fright from his friends. “Maybe I should cut your balls off and have you carry them home in a shot glass,” for that’s all the bigger they were, “and you can see just how much your fathercan’tdo shit to us.” I pressed the point of my blade just enough to cut fabric.
“Fuck! No, please! I’m sorry!”
I looked down half expecting to see that he’d pissed himself. Then I put my face in his again. “Get the fuck out of my club,” I growled, then walked away without looking back.
Luca followed after making sure the group was indeed heeding my warning.
My gaze skipped across the mass of people who either hadn’t noticed or didn’t care about what just transpired. Pulling on my suit to get it situated right again, I caught sight of a figure across the club in the mirrored VIP sections. The sight of her halted me in my tracks.
Long, wavy dark hair and a slim body that made my blood run hot every time I laid eyes on it smacked me in the face. Her face turned and even though she wasn’t looking at me, I could see those rare colored eyes as plain as day in my mind.
What the hell is she doing here?
I recognized the group she was with; daughters of old-money families, industry tycoons, wealthy entrepreneurs and a senator’s only child. Women she had no business partying with.
My focus fastened back on her. Those sexy hips swayed and moved with the rhythm of the music, the very sight making my dick take notice. Anger made my cheeks flush as I watched her be a magnet for every man in the club.
“Matteo?” Luca was now standing beside me, taking in my new state of hostility.
I pointed across the club. He followed my line of sight and sighed heavily. “What do you want me to do?” Luca yelled over the music.
“Bring her to my office. Now.”
“You sure that’s a good idea?”
I shot him a glare and he nodded his understanding to shut the fuck up. I knew what he meant and he could go to hell. “Call her father. Also, have a chat with the bouncers at the door.”
* * *
I leanedbackagainst my desk with my arms folded, not hiding a hint of aggravation while I waited for Luca to return with the one woman on earth who stirred my blood and sent my heart racing.
The door opened and Luca held it wide to allow the most beautiful woman—if you could call her that— I’d ever laid eyes on enter my presence.
Every cell in my body came to life. I stamped down my body’s reaction and cursed myself.
Luca shut the door and left us in privacy as she sauntered her way across the room to me. Long legs, tight everywhere and a face that could only be described as angelic made my mouth go dry.
She looked me straight in the eye as she came to a stop a few paces away, in a formfitting black dress that made me want to rip it off her and taste everything hiding underneath. Very few people had the guts to look me directly in the eye, and yet she never once shied away.