Page 96 of Celestia, Year One

"Between us, yes they are," Magnor replied.

"I knew it." I smiled, looking across the room to stare at the cloudy night sky.

Magnor moved to lean next to me. "What's wrong?" he seemed concerned.

"Do you regret raising me and Celestia?" I asked the question I had wondered about for a long time.

"No. Why would you think that?" he asked.

I could hear the curiosity in his voice. "Because you could have found someone too. A partner or lover. Instead, you took us in and trained us. You raised us like your own. Don’t you ever regret it? You haven’t had even one moment where you wished you hadn't made that decision? Aren't you sad you've wasted so many years on us?" I asked.

I'd always thought about why he never dated or married. He was still young in shifter years, but both Celestia and I always wondered if he'd closed himself off from finding love so he could raise and train us.

"The years spent with you and Celestia were not a waste. They were filled with laughter and I was able to watch the both of you grow and turn into the fine woman you've become today. Not only did you prove the people who bullied you wrong, you were able to protect your team and vanquish two Forsaken. That's something no student has been able to do during their entrance exam. You've brought me more joy and pride than any relationship could have. So to answer your question, no I don't regret training and raising you. The only thing I regret is not taking you in sooner," Magnor admitted.

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, turning to meet his gaze.

"Thank you, Magnor," I whispered.

"No, Sia. Thank you and Celestia for changing me. Sometimes you may think you were a burden to me. But in reality, you saved me from my own dark past. You proved to me that no matter how hard life can be, you can change your destiny. No matter what anyone predicts you'll become and achieve, you’re the one in the driver seat and can turn the ignition and drive yourself toward what you want in life," Magnor explained.

I grinned. "Of course you'd lecture me." I giggled.

He chuckled. "Because I want you to be the best you can be. I love you and nothing will change that. Not the past or anyone trying to dim your achievements," Magnor acknowledged.

"Thank you, Magnor," I smiled affectionately at him.

"You’re welcome, Sia," He patted my head before opening his arms.

I grinned, taking a step forward into his loving embrace. I hoped I could continue to prove my worth and make Magnor proud. Maybe then, he'd feel like he could open himself up to meet his other half.That would be a rewarding surprise.

Darkness Falls


"Do they actually expect us to have class tomorrow in this weather?" Hunter complained.

"They still haven't found what the cause is? This can't continue," Finn sighed, ruffling his pink locks.

"How's Caio?" Theo asked Cairus.

"Still sick. He can barely keep his eyes open. If it wasn't for Orion's light boosts, I swear he'd be in a coma," Cairus acknowledged.

I stared into the darkness that plagued the sky outside. This dark weather had persisted for a straight week, with no end in sight. Not an inch of sunlight had been able to penetrate the thick, grey clouds and Aslan Academy was taking a major hit because of it.

Many shifters relied on balance. Some needed more sunlight while others took energy from moonlight. I was thankful that I functioned better during the night, but I didn't like the current predicament and growing anxiety that began to build in the pit of my stomach.

We heard the sound of footsteps coming down from the stairs. We turned our attention to Ms. Arcadia who wore a stern expression. I knew that wasn't a good sign, but I needed to know what was going on.

"Ms. Arcadia. How's Celestia?" I asked.

She sighed, her hands running through her silver locks. "Her fever is down, but if nothing changes by Tuesday, I'm going to have to find Magnor. He knows Celestia the best and can help stabilize her until we figure this darkness problem out," she confirmed.

"Are you guys actually going to allow classes to go on tomorrow?" Theo asked.

"There's no way Caio’s gonna be able to function," Cairus added.

"I'll be making light serums when Othello gets back. We'll be delivering them to those affected by this and go from there. Their effect doesn’t last long, but it will help enough for you to go to your required classes," Ms. Arcadia explained.