Page 84 of Celestia, Year One

She wore dark blue jean shorts with pink, purple and gold flowers on the front pockets. She wore a bright orange crop top with a fire symbol in the middle outlined in red and the interior of the flame was yellow. She wore high knee boots that were a similar flame-inspired color mix as her crop top. To finish off the look was a black sleeveless coat that reached her ankles.

She had pink fingerless gloves with different magic circles patterned across the material which matched the three magic circles on the back of her coat— purple, pink and gold.

Her strawberry and teal hair was tied in a ponytail and hung down her back. She crossed her arms, opening her amber eyes to stare at Vincent who couldn't mask his fear.

"Well, well, well. Look who's trembling with his little baby knife. What happened to that 'turn me into ash' resolve you had going on there? You really have some nerve bothering my Mistress and her lovers," Arielle huffed.

I groaned. "Arielle, teammates," I corrected.

"Teammates during school, lovers after, same thing," she huffed.

I grinned. "Fine. Whatever rocks your boat." I shrugged.Might as well let the class know the guys were off limits.

"Lovers?" Vincent exclaimed.

"Yup. My team is made up of my six boyfriends. Right guys?" I said sweetly, looking over to my group of guys.

"Yup," Orion said confidently; the others all nodded.

I knew they would either be extremely happy after class or embarrassed, but we'd deal with that later. There were a few 'O's' and 'damn' noises from my classmates; a few of them even clapped in approval.

Ms. Arcadia nodded. "Good choices," she praised, making me smile.

"Thank you," I replied, proudly.

"Now that we got that out of the way, why don't we get back to you trying to pick a fight with us?" Arielle clapped her hands together. Blue and pink flames manifested from thin air and danced around her wrists.

"Arielle, just don't cause a fire," I reminded.

"Got it," she cheered, taking a step forward.

Vincent trembled in his spot, readying his blade.

"C'mon, Vincent. Toughen up. It's just her familiar!" one of his buddies called out.

"Ya! It's just a hoax. She's just playing with ya," his other buddy supported.

"Exactly. You're just a fake," Vincent started.

"I'll show you fake," Arielle narrowed her eyes. Within a blink of an eye, she was behind Vincent. She dropped to the floor, kicking her leg out to trip him.

He cursed, falling backward. She moved out of the way to watch him fall on his ass. He growled, scurrying to his feet. She grinned, hopping back and forth on her feet like she was in a boxing ring.

"C'mon on, Vinny, you can do better than that. Where's the big bad bully?" Arielle purred.

"I like her," Ms. Arcadia whispered to me.

"Isn't she great?" I replied in a hushed voice.

Vincent darted forward and swung his dagger back and forth, trying to hurt Arielle but she was too fast, dancing out of the way with ease. I guessed all those times watching Sia train at night was worth it, especially during our sword dance lessons. You had to be light on your feet to avoid the swift movements of your opponent.

"Hurry and finish her, Vincent!" one of his boys called out.

Arielle rolled her eyes, leaping into the air to give herself some distance before she literally vanished.

"Huh?" multiple students spoke, everyone looking around the classroom to see where she'd disappeared to.

My eyes stayed on Vincent who was scanning the room, looking back and forth.