Page 4 of Celestia, Year One

I sighed, looking across the beautiful garden filled with various flowers. My mom loved nature and had created this massive garden before I was born. My father had taken over in tending the plants until he was summoned. Now, I took care of their needs.

I closed my eyes. A familiar sensation spread through me and made me grin in delight. My ears perked up at the flapping of wings, opening my eyes and lifting my head to see my familiar — a harpy-phoenix hybrid.

Our dimension, Versa, was known to have different hybrids. It was also known that many mythological creatures crossed over from different dimensions, some due to gates being open for lengthy periods during huge population transfers or creatures accidentally going through a gate to another dimension.

I'd discovered my familiar, weak and with multiple injuries when I was training one night. As a unicorn shifter, I had the ability to heal myself and others. However, it was incredibly draining to heal myself, let alone another shifter. I'd done my part to keep her alive long enough to bring her back to Magnor so he could heal her.

He'd explained to me that she was a harpy phoenix, having the ability to shift between the two mythological creatures. First off, that was fucking awesome and second, both sides of her were powerful and fierce.

She reminded me of myself. When I'd found her that fateful night, with the rain pouring hard and the ground beginning to pool with the frigid water, I remembered the day Magnor had saved me.

She was different, injured and alone — the same way I was many years ago. Her harpy side was the complete opposite of my unicorn side; she was quiet and calculative of everything going on around her. She generally stayed in phoenix form, choosing not to shift unless I was in dire need of assistance or for training purposes.

Shifters typically didn't have a different personality than their host. They simply changed into whatever creature they were and that was really it. Of course, I had to be different, as usual.

I had a rare case of dual personality; the magical term wasDual-Essence-Mortality (DEM).When an individual had too much power with no outlet, the energy began to build up within them — particularly in the mind. If not solved, the energy would begin to cause intracranial pressure, pushing against the brain which would lead to both physical and mental changes. Some people died, while others survived but with an altered personality.

The newly created personality would consume the excess energy until the body and mind reached a level of equilibrium. The benefits of having DEM included having the ability for one side of the mind to rest while the other took over. Another more popular trait was being able to have a full backup supply of energy. If the main personality depleted their energy, the other could take over fully charged.

Such traits were one of the reasons many shifters who had DEM kept it a secret unless they had the Council's protection. I didn't have that, meaning I was with the other one percent of DEM existing with no choice but to keep it on the down low or hide it completely.

Keeping it secret wasn’t hard, seeing as I didn't have any friends to begin with. Plus, my unicorn side didn't show up every night. She had a mind of her own and was fine with taking over when she felt it was necessary.

I extended my arm, allowing the phoenix to land. She flapped her flaming wings — the intense heat not doing anything to my skin. A phoenix’s flames could burn anything to ash, but only if the creature desired it. Since I was her Mistress, her flames, while still giving off heat, would cause me no harm.

Her fire extinguished, revealing her blue and pink feathers. Did I mention her flames were a gorgeous blue? That was extremely rare.

"Arielle. Did you want to check the mail with me? I can assure you, there won't be anything exciting, as usual," I hummed.

"Bru-Ree," she replied, which made me grin. She lowered her head as I brought her close to me, our foreheads touching each other in a form of greeting and respect.

I didn't see myself as higher or more powerful than her. She was my familiar, bonded to me which to my understanding, made us equals. She shared my power and I shared hers. Unfortunately, not all shifters and familiars shared our morals.

"Let's go before Magnor thinks we got attacked. He's such a worry wart when it comes to us," I complained, allowing Arielle to perch on my shoulder.

"Bru-REE," she sang, fluttering her wings.

"Do you want to stay that size? Or are you going into mini version?" I questioned. With a little bit of magic, I could get her to shrink so she could stay in the house without Magnor complaining.

She didn't respond, but her body began to glow. A white light engulfed her large frame. After it faded, there sat a smaller version of the Firebird.

"Good. Easier to carry you too," I admitted, heading to the mailbox.

The metal box was wrapped in multiple vines, the door sealed with magic. Only myself, Magnor and the mailman knew the spell to open it. Magnor had implemented this so we wouldn't get any threatening letters. I just wished that included junk mail.

It took the village a long time before they accepted the fact I was Magnor’s new pupil. They eventually had to suck it up. Magnor proved his point when he almost killed a group of runts who tried to pick a fight with me on his property.

I hadn't locked down my skills back then, leaving me at a disadvantage with five versus little ten-year-old me. But I wasn't the type to back down, fighting the best I could. Arielle was with me by then and she'd gone to retrieve Magnor before I got a life-threatening injury. Long story short, sixteen years later and no one attempted to bother us unless sent by the Council head himself.

The Council was the government of Versa. They had mini councils in different villages, each with a president, vice president, and an advisor. They were appointed to ensure peace and order. Too bad most of them were incompetent old men who only thought they could rule a fucking kingdom.

They were a bunch of stubborn magicians who had their moment of glory in the past and didn't like change. Another reason why a unicorn shifter was like finding a four-leaf clover. You only cherished it if you could use it for your personal benefit — in this case, none of them knew what I could do or how I'd benefit the Council or anyone for that matter, so they decided I was useless.Assholes.

I stopped in front of the mailbox, lifting my hand as I took a deep breath.

"Allow the shackles that hold you to fall and reveal thy precious contents to your owner and creator. Open."

My hand began to glow a lime green, symbols forming on my hands as a magic circle appeared at my fingertips. The vines that once blocked the opening of the box began to retreat down the base of the mailbox. Once the entire door was clear, the vines stopped moving.