Page 37 of Celestia, Year One

I blew out slowly; the spell I mentally chanted took effect as the wind carried the glittered dust above the gigantic beast, spreading it around its oversized frame.

It screamed and thrashed, but the vines kept it in place and the ground secured its lower half. I continued to blow the sleep-inducing dust until I had no more air left in my lungs.

The black blob of darkness stilled, its cries still echoed in the sky.

Why is there a Forsaken here? There's no way they would have allowed one to be a part of this exam. It's almost impossible to defeat them.

I tried to think, but my mind was fuzzy from the heavy use of magic. I glanced at my wrist, noticing my hand tremble.

I can't last any longer or we'll both be in trouble.I sighed, making the decision to switch out.

I took the pink and white bracelet off my left wrist, sliding it onto my right.

I felt drowsy, my eyelids became heavy as darkness began to cloud my vision. I fell forward, hearing someone call my name, but I didn't fight the pull, my consciousness descending into darkness.

Good luck, Celestia.

Deadly Intrusion and Double Vision


"Celestia? Sia? Can you hear me?"

I stirred awake, the immense worry leaking off the familiar voice helped me fight the darkness. I felt weird, juggling between feeling weak and having a sense of renewed strength thrum through me.

I was finally able to open my eyes, glancing up to see Hunter's dark orange ones; relief blossomed on his handsome features.

"Welcome back, Celestia," he greeted.

I gave him a confused look. "Huh? Wait. Why are we in the air? Did I fly during my sleep?" I asked, feeling delirious.

Hunter grinned. "Nope. We're kinda in a tight situation and I can't have you passed out on the ground. Sia did a good job stalling," Hunter replied.

I blinked, remaining silent for at least ten seconds until Sia’s name sunk in.

"SIA! Wait. No. Hold on, time out. Weren't you guys supposed to wake me up? And what do you mean stalling? Stall wh—"


I flinched, slamming my hands against my ears to block the high-pitched sound. Hunter cringed, flying higher up.

"What the flying fuck is that?" I exclaimed, my hands still on my ears.

"Forsaken. I don't know how it got in here. Every exam area is closed off and scouted multiple times," Hunter grumbled, a scowl on his face.

I looked down to see the hideous monster. My eyes grew wide at the scene; the Forsaken had a dark glow around its sludge-like body, tendrils and tentacles slashing at the ground. I looked to my right to see the remainder of our team avoiding the Forsaken’s attacks, countering them with their own magic spells.

"We have to go help them," I demanded.

"Sia could barely stand when we arrived before she passed out and you’re still pale, Celestia," Hunter accused.

"So? They're gonna get hurt!" I countered.

"And so could you," he replied.

I groaned. "I'll be fine. I'm not some weakling. Let me fight," I argued.

He glared at me, looking unsure as to what decision to make.