Page 35 of Celestia, Year One

"FLAMENDO WAVANA!" I chanted, summoning a wave of fire that manifested from the ground below Hunter and spilled over the approaching Rhinroy.

It screamed in agony, the flames burning its flesh as it charged mindlessly; it ran directly away from the flames and away from Hunter.

I landed in the middle of the clearing, twirling my sword in anticipation for a counter attack, but the Rhinroy staggered to a stop a few feet before me. I thought it was over, but from the pulsing sensation coming from my dual swords, I knew something was still hidden nearby.

"You’re not Celestia."

I looked up to Hunter who was still in his spot, his orange eyes narrowed.

I grinned. "I’d say you’re rather perceptive, but I’m sure my eyes and hair give me away," I replied sweetly. I already knew with the initiation of magic my hair was now a lovely mixture of purple and pink.I can't forget that strand of gold I saw a few days ago. Ugh. I'm getting old.

"Are you the reason why Celestia said to wake her up?" Hunter asked.

I shrugged. "I'd love to answer your questions, but I’d rather we had a closer conversation than us yelling back and forth like complete idiots," I replied, rolling my eyes.

He grumbled something under his breath, but began to make his way down the tree.

Arielle landed on my shoulder, staring at the dead Rhinroy to my left. I glanced to my right to see the other one, still wrapped in vines.

"I hope that was all of th—"


"For fucks’ sakes!" I turned around to face the forest behind me; Arielle soared into the air and a bright light engulfed her body. Her flames burned to life as she readied herself for battle. I lifted my swords in a fighting stance, otherwise staying completely still and waiting for the next Rhinroy to attack.

My eyes grew wide, the sight making me curse as I darted in the opposite direction.

"Of course I'd get a fucking stampede of Rhinroys. Typical Sia gets all the bad fucking luck!" I shouted, picking up my pace to execute my new plan.

"GRAEE!" The herd of at least twenty Rhinroys roared in unison.

I knew I wouldn't be able to beat their speed, but all I needed was to reach the large tree five feet ahead. As scary as this situation was, I felt a wave of excitement; the thrill of fighting something other than Magnor made me grin from ear to ear.

I reached the tree, using my magic to give me enough momentum to run up the wide trunk. Before the Rhinroys reached its base I pushed off it, soaring above them, giving me a second to appreciate the starry sky.

I gracefully flipped mid-air, immediately targeting fifteen out of the twenty beasts. I took a deep breath; my body grew warm with joy and happiness, a tiny side effect of using my unicorn magic.

I blew out a gust of magical dust— the rainbow-colored wave of glitter rained down on the beasts who lingered below me. I quickly called upon the wind, creating a solid circle to use as a platform. I pushed myself off it to give me another boost and landed at the opposite edge of the clearing. The Rhinroys prepared to run, but only five approached; the remainder began to sway back and forth until they fell to the ground.

"Nighty Night, Rhinroys. Too bad my dust can't cure world hunger. Aww, fuck! I hate this stupid dust! Makes me all happy and shit," I complained, getting into my fighting stance.

"BRU-REE," Arielle shrieked and began shooting fireballs at the remaining five that had continued to run in our direction.

Flaming arrows flew from behind me stopping three of the Rhinroys who shrieked in pain.

I quickly looked over my shoulder to see Hunter who was shooting flaming arrows, his brown hair glowing a soft amber. I grinned, feeling a sense of comfort knowing a member of my team had my back, even if he didn't know me.

I returned my attention to the two Rhinroys closing in; the other three had recovered from the flames and began to charge toward me. I took a deep breath, allowing my magic to seep into the swords.

I'd glide right through these Rhinroys and end their misery in a swift movement. I envisioned everything down to where I'd stop.

"LOOK OUT!" Hunter yelled.

The concern in his voice made me smile as I opened my eyes and allowed the power to take over. My body jolted forward, running toward the two Rhinroys. I slashed them with ease, twirling my body like a ballerina on stage and moved out of the way in time to see them charge into each other; the heavy impact knocked both of them out. I didn't stop, my body darting toward the remaining three that approached.


"Let me end your suffering, my poor beasts," I hummed happily, pushing myself off the ground. My body hovered over the three creatures who skidded to a stop, glancing up to watch me soar above them. I grinned, crossing my swords and preparing my next attack.