Page 101 of Celestia, Year One

"I'm still in shock," Finn teased.

"My ears must have deceived me," Hunter said dramatically.

"You guys are so overdramatic," Theo laughed.

I grinned, sliding my arms around Orion's neck as he hooked his arm under my legs to lift me up, bridal style. He carried me down the remainder of steps and didn't let me down.

"We're going to be late. Can one of you guys grab Celestia's swords?" Orion requested.

"I'll get them," Cairus announced, running up the stairs.

"Everything is packed in the corner of the living room so if the council does decide that we get to go home early, we can leave ASAP," Theo explained.

"Are you guys all going home?" I asked, already feeling a wave a dread thrum through me. I didn't want to go back to being alone. I would miss the guys.

Finn walked over to us, patting my head. "We'll come with you to your home. Don't know if your place can house six guys, but I’d rather sleep on the floor than be apart from you," Finn declared, kissing me on the forehead.

I gawked at him; my cheeks grew red.

"Hey, Cairus! Finn’s trying to take your place in line. He kissed Celestia!" Caio called out.

"WHAT?" Cairus called back.

Theo and Hunter shook their heads while Orion grinned.

"Late, remember?" he reminded.

"Right. Let's get going," Finn announced.

I smiled, resting my head on Orion's chest. A small part of me hoped that we'd get to go home, just so I could spend time with the guys and introduce them more formally to Magnor.

I guess Sia's prediction was right.

* * *

"Orion Meadow. You are NOT coming with me into the female restroom. I can pee just fine on my own," I scolded.

Orion rolled his eyes while the others snickered.

"Orion should be your bodyguard, Cutie Pie," Finn joked.

"Bodyguards don't go into the washroom with the opposite sex," I reminded.

"Hmph don't see why not," Orion mumbled.

I grinned.

"C'mon guys, we’re delaying. Celestia, go use the washroom real quick. We'll be right out here," Hunter encouraged.

Orion lowered me so I could stand. I took my dual swords from where they were strapped to his back, allowing him to attach their harness on me. The classroom was a few doors down and even if we weren't doing training, I still wanted to be prepared for any surprises.

I turned to face Orion and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. His face grew red and he blinked in astonishment.

"Thank you," I said to him, turning and skipping to the washroom before he changed his mind about letting me go in alone.

I heard the guys’ laughter in the background as I entered the washroom, making me giggle.

I finished doing my business, washed my hands and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. With my pale complexion and dark circles under my tired eyes, I looked like a walking zombie. I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly while I pulled the hair tie out of my messy hair.