Page 94 of Celestia, Year One

"Surprise?" I asked, opening my tear-filled eyes.

Orion walked over, wiping my wet cheeks.

"It's good I placed a spell when you were doing your makeup the second time," he whispered.

"Spell?" I asked.

He nodded. "Can't let that spoil all your hard work before seeing your surprise," he encouraged.

"What is it?" I asked.

He stepped to the side; the others lined up so Theo, Cairus and Caio were to my left while Finn, Hunter, and Orion were on my right.

I heard the door open followed by footsteps; silver orbs met my shocked gaze.

"Magnor!" I didn't think, running straight to him. He laughed; his arms spread wide to catch me as I jumped into his arms.

I didn't realize I'd miss him so much. Even with my real parents being alive and well, Magnor meant so much to me and being apart made me realize what an impact he'd had in my life.

"Now, Celestia. What did I say about no boys?" He joked.

I laughed, tightening my hold around him.

"No wonder Magnor was nagging the whole way back," Ms. Arcadia's high-pitched voice announced.

"Right. He was so cranky, saying if we missed this he'd never help us kill Forsaken again," Othello's low voice complained.

I turned to see them both walk into the living room; Miss Arcadia held a wide box and Othello carried a few gift bags. I gawked at them, glancing over at the guys who looked just as surprised.

"Are Professor Arcadia and High Council Leader Othello in our dorm?" Caio asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's a test," Cairus whispered to his brother.

Ms. Arcadia rolled her eyes. "It's the weekend. And neither of us are working after the two days we've had. We just arrived back, but a certain legend wouldn't stop ranting about missing his sweet daughter’s birthday celebration," Ms. Arcadia drawled.

I turned back to see Magnor's bright red face.

"I didn't say that!" he argued, lowering me to the ground.

Othello chuckled, "He was grumpy for the entire ride back. I have to admit, after all the years I've worked with you Magnor, that's the fastest I've seen you kill a Forsaken in a long time." Othello smirked.

"Really?" I asked Magnor who just looked away.

"Keep talking, Othello, and I'll make sure you don't get a piece of cake," Magnor threatened.

"Cake?" the guys and I all said in unison.

I'd never had a birthday cake before. In Versa, the bakery was on the outskirts of town. The closest thing to a cake I’d ever had were cupcakes.

Ms. Arcadia smiled, walking over to our dining table. She placed the white box down, opening the top to reveal a large cake. I let go of Magnor who gestured for me to get a closer look. My eyes grew wide and I gasped.

"A UNICORN CAKE!" I squealed.

The guys crowded around, all of them impressed at the colorfully designed cake.

"I know this isn't necessarily professional, but we've known Magnor for a long time and seeing as you’re family to him, we decided to bend the rules just a little to celebrate your twenty-fifth birthday. So Happy Birthday, Celestia," Ms. Arcadia cheered, clapping her hands.

Glitter appeared out of nowhere, sprinkling around us.