Page 8 of Celestia, Year One

"How did that get there, I wonder?" he questioned, more to himself than me.

"WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE THESE TRAPS EVERYWHERE?" I screamed; this was the eighth time this month I'd gotten caught in one of these annoying contraptions planted all over our backyard, which was actually the entire forest.

"You know why. Sia, you know these forests better than I, yet you always fall for these traps," he teased.

"Because you keep changing their location!" I pointed out.

"That's the point," he countered.

I growled, struggling to summon my magic, but felt dizzy.Aww, fuck!

"Magnor! Let me down! I can't use any more magic without bothering Celestia," I admitted, holding still as I waited for the dizziness to pass.

"You can do it without magic," he replied.

I huffed. "No, I can't!" I argued.

"C'mon, Sia. You have enough brains to figure this out," he remarked.

"For fucks sake, cut it out already! Let me down."

"Cut it yourself," he huffed.

"I can't!"

"You have two swords on your back, yet you’re asking me to help you?" He grinned at my upside down form.

"This is stupid! Fucking magic draining piece of shit ass rope," I screamed, pulling out my swords and lifting my upper half to cut through the rope, forgetting I was ten feet off the ground.


I shrieked, letting go of my swords and prepared to summon my magic before I became one with the ground when a pair of arms caught me— Magnor's vexed expression looked down at me. I sighed in relief before rolling my eyes.

"Don't go getting pissed off just because I used three swear words in one sentence. We're outside," I reminded.

He shook his head, setting me back on the ground. He let my feet hit the ground, keeping his hand on my shoulder. "Steady there," he urged, not wanting me to move until my magic balanced itself.

Being the other half of Celestia had its benefits, one being able to train and strengthen our skills while she rested. We both excelled in knowledge and power, but Celestia excelled at academics and I was better at magic.

The problem with our duality was the shift of magic. If one had too much, it affected the other. Since Celestia was asleep, her magic level was stable, but if I dipped too low at a certain point, our body would respond to the difference and I'd faceplant into the ground. Trust me, it hurt like a bitch slapping you silly.

"I'm fine. Thank you," I said softly, giving him a smile.

Even though he looked pleasantly amused, I could see the concern he tried to hide. Celestia and I knew how Magnor was. He might act like the evil master who trained you till you begged for a reprieve and had a thing against swear words, but he treated his students like family. Even if we deserved a little whip and whacking, he didn't like seeing us hurt.

"We'll end here. You need to start sleeping longer. Celestiahas been looking really tired lately," he announced.

"That's because she stays up all night reading those magic spell books. It's not my fault she's not getting enough sleep," I mumbled.

He gave me a stern look.

"Ugh. Okay, IT COULD be due to the increase in training," I relented, not wanting to admit it was my fault Celestia was taking naps in odd places.

I had to take over and get us out of the damn lake last week. That was a chill adventure, floating all over the place and scaring the shit out of Arielle who'd been in her harpy form.

"No more training. You have your entrance exam in three days. Both of you need to be ready for it."

"Doesn't that mean I SHOULD be training?" I argued.