Page 6 of Celestia, Year One

I didn't like his shocked tone. Magnor was rarely surprised or mad at me. If he was, either I'd done something incredible or I'd fucked up really bad. In this case, I had no idea which was the case.

"Did you apply to Aslan Academy?" he questioned, his eyes lifted to stare at me with a puzzled look.

"Uh...well, remember the time you got pissed off about me burning that ancient fake statue of yours?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "It was a replica of the great high priest of Versa!"

"Ya, ya, the old man. No one talks about him. Anyways, Sia was minding her own business, walking in the town at night when she saw a poster about applications for Aslan. I know the entry age is twenty-five, but the entrance exams land on our birthday. As you can guess, she decided to fill out the application and hand it in, both as a joke and to prove to you that I can't get in. You know how stuck-up the Council members are in their ways. They hate change and anything different, and I am different with a capital D," I explained, shrugging.

He stared at me, speechless; his gaze returned to the stack of mail in his hand and then back to meet my bored expression.

"You’re certainly strong enough to get into that school, Celestia," he emphasized.

"Strength means nothing when you're a shifter like me, Magnor. I have a mom who's in a different dimension and a dad who's thrilled to do his duty as a gatekeeper and has yet to come see his one and only daughter. What does that look like to you? If...if it wasn't for you...I most likely would have ended my life long ago. And we both know it."

He was silent, the weight of my words lingered in the air. We didn't like talking about possibilities, especially regarding the past. But I'd never hesitated to make my Master understand how his interference that night saved my life. I had already made up my mind and wasn't scared of death, but now looking back, I was glad to be alive. Everything has a solution, even on the brink of chaos. You just have to find the light and realize what your purpose was to move forward.

Magnor rose to his feet, holding out a gold envelope. Once he reached me, his hand gently brushed against my cheek, wiping away a tear that escaped from my glossy eyes. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

"Celestia. You have a purpose, just like any living being across the dimensions. You are unique because you were created to be. Just because a group of people doesn't accept you, doesn't mean you are without worth. You know that," he began, his thumb rubbing my cheek gently.

He continued, "I've known your father since he was five. I watched him grow into the man he is today and one thing I know for sure is that he would never leave you behind unless forced. He couldn't reject his calling as a gatekeeper and sadly, that means he can't visit until he's approved to do so. Trust me, it bothers him. Your mom would return if she didn't need to focus on her duties in Alevon. I'm not trying to defend the situation you're currently facing, but I want you to understand that you are loved. Even though neither can be here to share their affection, I hope I've done a bit to help ease the ache in your heart," he finished.

I nodded, wiping away the tears that trailed down my cheeks.

He gave me a soft smile, pulling me into a hug. His hand stroked my hair soothingly, as he always did to calm me.

"Sorry," I mumbled. I didn't like showing my emotional side, especially in front of Magnor since he enjoyed ranting about how it could be used as a weakness, but I also didn't want him thinking I didn't love him as much as a child might love their parent. He had helped by stepping in as the missing parental figure I needed. I didn't resent my parents. I understood that they had to fulfill their duties, but that didn't stop me from wondering why I couldn't experience their love for me.

"It's alright. Why don't you open this?" he encouraged, pulling out of our embrace to present me with the gold envelope.

I eyed it cautiously, before taking it into my hands. I let my fingertips brush against the high-quality paper that shimmered in the light — the red seal with ‘AA’ made me realize where it was from.

"Holy shit! A letter from Aslan Academy?" I cursed, flipping the envelope over and then back. When I didn't hear a reply, I looked up to Magnor who had an eyebrow raised. I groaned.

"Oh c'mon. Can I at least swear in this moment? Pretty please?" I begged.

Magnor hated when I swore, only allowing me to do it when we were outside or I was ranting about an injury I'd sustained.

"Fine. Just this once." He sighed, losing his resolve to scowl at me.

I grinned, walking over to his desk to retrieve the letter opener. "It's probably a rejection letter. You know they have to tell you why you didn't qualify. I bet they laughed at my application before stamping REJECT in big red letters," I joked, removing the contents of the envelope. My eyes scanned the top of the letter where my name was neatly written in cursive.

"At least they have pretty calligraphy. See, let me read it loud and clear.

My eyes grew wide and my voice went up an octave. I blinked, shaking my head before rubbing my eyes.

I looked back at the letter.

I read it over and over again, the same sentence informing me that I, Celestia Rainbow, had made it into Aslan Academy, the best school for training hunters and huntresses in our dimension.

This MUST be a mistake.

I scanned the remaining contents of the letter which explained that to get in, I'd have to complete a written exam during the day followed by an entrance exam with five other individuals. The practical exam would commence in the afternoon and continue overnight. In the morning, our scores would be compiled and we'd discover if we passed or not.

I took a deep breath, lifting my head to see a grin on Magnor’s lips.

"Magnor?" I whispered.