Page 44 of Celestia, Year One

The globe closed off completely, muting the Forsaken's cries and wails as it continued to try and escape the magic barricade.

I tried to take a step forward, but Celestia looked at me, shaking her head and stomping her back left hoof. I nodded in understanding, staying in place.

"There's another barrier," Cairus pointed out. He moved to stand next to me, pointing to the ground two steps away.

I narrowed my eyes, noticing a glint of gold. She was able to create two barriers.

"She's beautiful," Caio whispered, his voice filled with awe.

"I can't believe they're actually real," Hunter confessed.

"Me neither. But wow...I can see why she was advised not to shift. She'd be hunted for her power and grace," Theo acknowledged.

I nodded.

"Why do you think there are none left?" I questioned.

I could feel the guys’ stares without looking in their direction, but that's all I would reveal. They didn't need to know how I had such information. Not yet, anyway.

Our conversation was cut short at Celestia stomping her foot. Her colorful hair began to illuminate, floating lightly with magic. I could sense the growing power began to build within the barricade, growing stronger and stronger until the shot of light engulfed the Forsaken.

I narrowed my eyes, hearing the others curse at the light that made my eyes sting, but I didn't want to miss this. The barricade began to fracture, light magic seeping through the cracks. We could hear the Forsaken's cries of agony, but they got smaller and smaller until there was nothing left.

After two full minutes, the light dimmed and the barricade shattered, sprinkling gold, purple and pink glitter onto the clearing. The Forsaken was gone; the clearing looked as if nothing had happened. I tried to find the dead carcasses of the Rhinroy, but they were gone.

"She healed the forest too," Caio pointed out.

I looked around with the others, noticing the once broken trees were back in their original undamaged state.

The barrier that protected us faded, allowing us to step forward. Celestia walked back, staring at us with curious eyes.

"She doesn't recognize us?" Theo asked.

"It's not that. We don't know what her perception of vision is like," I replied. My assumption was the color was heightened compared to the average human or animal. I took a step forward, raising my hands in a defensive manner.

"I won't hurt you, Celestia. You can feel my intent," I cooed.

She remained still, her eyes locked on mine. I tried not to get distracted by her gold horn, which glittered brightly. I took another cautious step, waiting for her to react, but she remained calm.

I was glad the others remained quiet, watching me as I continued to take slow steps until I stood in front of her.

Up close she was more dazzling, her purple eyes looked like a galaxy of colors, with hints of pinks and golds near her irises and her purple, pink, and gold mane was so clean that it made me second guess what I'd just witnessed. She looked like she'd walked out of a fairy tale rather than having just fought a Forsaken and annihilating it without getting her coat dirty.

I reached my hand out to pet her ever so gently. She closed her eyes at my touch, allowing me to brush my hand along the side of her face. Once I knew she wouldn't run away, I continued the motion. She lowered her head, allowing me to press my forehead against hers.

"You’re beautiful, Celestia," I whispered to her.

She huffed, lifting her head and stomping her foot. I smiled softly, raising my hand up in defense.

"I'm only pointing out the obvious. I never questioned your beauty."

I heard the others chuckle. Celestia walked in front of me, looking back at where the Forsaken had stood.

"Neigh." She stomped her foot over and over. I followed her gaze, noticing someone walking out from the forest.

I conjured a ball of electricity, ready to attack if necessary, but Celestia shook her head, nudging my shoulder with her nose.

"He's not evil?" I asked her.