Page 40 of Celestia, Year One

I could sense the fear of leaving me grow, leaving my heart in turmoil, but I couldn't lose Arielle. Unsummoning her would send her to where I kept her medallion in my luggage.

At least, if I died here, Magnor would be able to free her and she'd have a chance at life. I wouldn't let her die because of me.

"I love you, Arielle. If I make it out of this, I'll resummon you, alright? If...not, Magnor will find you. Make sure he's not lonely without me, okay?" I choked, blinking back tears.

"Bru! Bru-Reeee," she cried.

I closed my eyes, saying the incantation to unsummon her. Her little whimpers faded. I sighed, struggling to my hands and knees.

I looked back at the scene before me; Theo was on top of a tendril slashing its exterior with his hand blade while Finn had his hands outstretched, calling for more vines to hold it down.

Hunter was shooting flaming arrows that arched in the air and exploded upon impact and Orion was shooting thunderbolts at the spots Hunter's arrows missed.

I have to help them.

I began to crawl my way out of the forest, re-entering the clearing.

Orion's eyes locked on mine; his purple eyes widened with fear.

Oh god, please don't tell me there's something else.


"Great. Just fucking great. The universe fucking hates me!" I complained, turning my head to the sound that came from my left. One Rhinroy stood a few feet away from me, stomping its foot over and over as it prepared to charge.


It charged forward. I heard Orion call my name, but I couldn't pull my eyes away from the charging beast, its sharp horns ready to pierce through me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself for my death.

I'm sorry, Magnor.


My eyes snapped open in time to see a large white tiger tackle the Rhinroy, sending it flying. The white tiger ran back to me, stopping only inches from me.

I trembled in fear, unsure if it was going to attack me. Its bright blue eyes stared at me curiously. It took three cautious steps, its face right above mine.

I closed my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I survive Rhinroys, a Forsaken, but get eaten by a tiger?

I felt something lick my cheek, prompting me to open my eyes. The tiger continued to lick my cheek, before moving to the other one.

It took me a second to realize he was trying to wipe my tears away.

"You’re good?" I asked.

It nodded its head and pressed it against mine.

I smiled, raising my hand to pet him. He sat in front of me protectively staring at the Rhinroy that struggled to get up.

"I can't fight. You need to go," I told the animal that upon closer inspection looked like a snow tiger.

I sat on my knees, trying to push the animal away. I didn't know if this was a shifter or an actual animal, but I couldn't let an innocent animal sacrifice itself for me.

He didn't move away, rising up on his paws and growling in the direction of the Rhinroy; the black stripes on his white fur began to glow a turquoise blue.