Page 32 of Celestia, Year One

" Since there wasn't any unicorn shifters on file, my father and mother didn't want me shifting around people. They were worried I'd be hunted or killed. But because of those precautions, everyone thought I was a fake. My mom had to leave when I was young to another dimension and then my father became a gatekeeper and was forced to begin his duties by the Council. I was left alone and all the villagers did was bully me and beat me up," I explained, looking into the fire. I could remember all the times people kicked me, shoved me into muddy pools or threw garbage at me. I continued, thinking I might as well explain the rest.

"By nine and a half, I had given up and wanted to commit suicide. No one believed me and I couldn't get in touch with my parents. That day I'd gotten beaten up so severely I could barely walk and the teachers did nothing. No one cared. I'd made up my mind and was ready to initiate it. I went deep into one of the forested parts of Versa when Master Magnor called out to me. It was raining that day and I'd had no hope. I'd asked him multiple times to train me before and he'd denied me each time. I assumed he would do the same that night, he didn't. He took me in as his own," I explained.

I felt something light land on my shoulder, turning my head to see Arielle.

"Bru-ree," she chirped softly, immediately rubbing her head against my cheek.

I reached out to pet her, while finishing my tale. "Since then, he trained me every day. Along the way, I rescued Arielle who was discarded too. From that point on, she's been my only friend. Sounds stupid to have a familiar as a friend, but she's the only one who hasn't abandoned me for being different," I concluded.

When the silence continued, I lifted my gaze and glanced around the circle; Orion had a frown on his face. Finn and Hunter both looked upset. Theo had a troubled expression while Caio looked deep in thought.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to be a downer. I haven't told anyone about my uh, No one likes to hear depressing stories in front of the campfire." I giggled nervously, feeling awkward for sharing.

Orion lifted my hand in his, squeezing it gently. The simple gesture sent tingles through me and the growing nervousness I was experiencing began to decrease.

"Don't apologize. Our pasts make us who we are. Despite everything you've been through, you sure became a kind person, Celestia," Orion complimented.

The other guys nodded, agreeing with Orion.

"Thanks, guys," I whispered, smiling.

"BRU-REE," Arielle cheered happily, hopping onto Orion's shoulder and rubbing her head against his cheek.

He smiled, petting her before she moved to Hunter and Finn.

"Arielle is a rare type of phoenix," Hunter pointed out.

She hopped onto his lap; her whole body blazed into her blue and pink form.

"Shit! She's hot!" Finn complained, getting up and moving to sit next to Caio.

"Arielle! Don't burn any of them," I ordered.

She ignored me, sitting patiently in Hunter's lap.

He chuckled, petting her without seeming hurt.

I gawked at him. "Wait? No one has been able to pet her in that form. Even Magnor struggles,” I pointed out.

"That's cause Hunter's a phoenix," Finn grumbled, ruffling his pink locks.

Hunter glared at him.

"Thanks for the announcement, Pixie Boy," he grumbled.

"Don't call me that. It sounds weird when you say it," Finn countered.

"Oh. I guess that makes sense then," I pondered, staring at Arielle who extinguished her flames, fluttering her feathers.

She flew over to Theo who'd returned to resting on his side.

"I'm sleeping," he mumbled.

Arielle continued to sit on his arm.

He groaned, lifting his hand to pet her gently.

She chirped, flying over to get some attention from Caio, who chuckled.