Page 25 of Celestia, Year One

Pixies are that confident, huh? I hope I meet people and make more friends who are as friendly as him.

"ATTENTION! If you haven't found a seat, please stand by the walls," a female announced.

The remaining students rushed to line themselves against the wall, waiting for the woman's next command.

My eyes scanned the front and landed on a petite woman with long, silver hair who stood on a stool to give her some extra height. Her hair was braided and her bangs were neatly brushed to one side. She had light blue eyes and was wearing a baby-blue fitted shirt tucked into her black shorts. Her belt was silver and matched her heeled boots that sparkled from across the room. To me, she looked like a treasure hunter or a rogue you'd see in video games and I would bet she had a few blades hidden in her attire.

"Anyone who couldn't find a seat, you have failed this section of the exam," she announced.

Multiple gasps were heard.

Finn and I exchanged a look as we both turned to see the students who were lined up— disappointment and anger lacing their expressions.

"Please quietly exit the test center. You can obtain your luggage and will be escorted back to your designated dimensions.

We turned back to stare at the woman who seemed unconcerned by all the glares she was receiving from the exiting candidates.

"You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! That's fucking bullshit!" a guy called out, pointing to the woman.

She shrugged. "If you wanted to attend this school, you would have fought for your seat. Instead, you took your leisurely time, looking around the halls and campus while just assuming you were guaranteed a spot. You did this to yourselves. Maybe next time you will take this seriously," she replied, pointing at the boy.

His body began to glow, all of us gawked and gasps were heard as his body transformed and shrunk into a baby; his clothes fell to the ground. The baby began to cry, thrashing around on the floor.

One of the female staff members walked to him, picking him up and carrying him away.

We turned our attention back to the room; the only sound that remained was the echoing cries of the baby.Well, shit...that was a harsh consequence.

When the remainder of the dismissed students had departed, the woman nodded her head in approval.

"My name is Miss Arcadia and I'm one of the teachers here at Aslan. I specialize in morphing magic, Shifting-101, and also assist in assigning students to special missions to take down the Forsaken. I'm in charge of your exam and will be monitoring you closely. No cheating will be permitted, or you too will share the same fate as that sore loser and be blacklisted from ever reapplying. You officially have two hours," she explained, a dark grin formed on her lips that were coated with purple lipstick.

I glanced around the room, noticing everyone's straightened postures and focused gazes. I took a deep breath, remembering all of what Magnor had taught me over the years. I was as ready as I could be and wouldn't fail him. I didn't read all those books for nothing.

When she was greeted with silence, Miss Arcadia gave another nod.

"BEGIN!" she declared.

Six Misfits of Aslan

"Celestia Rainbow. 99.8% is your final score. Congrats. You may proceed down this hall and wait till everyone else has been scored. Then, Ms. Arcadia will explain the second part of the exam."

I sighed in relief, giving the man a bow of thanks.

He gave me a gold key card with ‘Team M’ on it, and I made my way down the hall he'd pointed out.

The exam wasn't hard for me, but that was thanks to the hours spent reading and studying all the books in Magnor's sanctuary: his library. There was a large crowd that looked to be about half the size of the group from the testing hall. I made my way to the corner of the room, away from all the people.

I tried to ignore the lonely feeling from being the only one standing in the corner; everyone else was in small groups, talking amongst themselves.Get a grip, Celestia. You never had friends before, why expect to have any now?

I leaned against the white wall, gazing blankly at the gold card in my hands. The cursive writing in purple gave off a slight shimmer when the light reflected on it, reminding me of glitter. I wondered if I'd be able to even use my rainbow dust during this exam.

It was one of the many unique skills I had as a unicorn shifter. Because people either hadn’t heard of one, or didn’t believe that I was one, most of my skills were unheard of and would bring the element of surprise when it came to battle.

"She's the one with that phoenix bird."

"I heard she got nearly perfect on the exam."

"Ugh, I hate smarty pants. I barely passed."