Page 22 of Celestia, Year One

"Identification," he requested with a rough, but firm voice.

"My name is Celestia Rainbow, resident of Versa. I'm in need to journey to Aslan Academy. I have received an official invite," I declared with a confident look. I pulled my invite from the pocket section of my luggage, walking forward to present it to him.

He raised an eyebrow at me, analyzing me carefully before taking the invite, opening the letter and reviewing it. The letter began to glow a light purple; the school logo glowed a dim gold. The gatekeeper's eyes grew wide, glancing back to look me up and down once more.

"You can go forward," he replied, returning the letter to me.

With his words of permission, the gate began to glow a light purple, the same color as my letter. I could feel the threads of magic begin to spin in a circle, and the stone gates opened slowly to reveal a large purple portal. While the portal continued to grow, gold streams became evident, matching the letter's colors.

"Just walk right through?" I confirmed.

He nodded.

"Simply walk through and you will be at the gates of Aslan. I wish you the best of luck," he replied.

I bid him farewell, glancing at Arielle whose talons gripped my shoulder. I didn't want her getting sucked in or lost because of the force of the portal's magic.

I grabbed my luggage, stepping forward and walking through the swirling purple and gold light. My body tingled and my vision blurred, but I continued to move forward. It wouldn't be long until I was on the other side.

Five seconds later, I felt gravel beneath my combat boots, prompting me to open my eyes. My eyes trailed up to peer at the gigantic metal gates that were wide open— shifters buzzing left and right.

So many people.I looked to Arielle who was still on my shoulder. I could feel her anxiety at the number of people walking past us, a few already beginning to stare at her large frame.

I decided to follow the large herd of students that passed, many of them holding acceptance letters, though they seemed rather plain compared to mine.

There were various kinds of shifters and humans here. Some had pointed ears, giving me the impression they were elves or some kind of shifter related to nature. I immediately noticed a group of fae, their enchanted appearances left me in awe.

The school itself was massive, like an oversized castle with high towers that looked like they could touch the sky. I walked with confidence, masking my true feelings of shock and bewilderment. I'd never been around so many individuals, but I couldn't let my fear make me appear weak so early in the game.

We reached a stadium, where everyone presented their invites to the security guards at the door. I shuffled through the mass of students to stand in a quieter section closer to the stage. I sighed in relief, glancing around the large room that was filling with students. Based on the whispers that reached my ears, no one knew what was going to happen.

A man walked onto the stage, his black and silver hair was tied into a ponytail; his blue eyes scanned the room. The chatter dimmed; everyone turned their attention to the man.

He raised his hand up, the simple gesture silencing the entire stadium.

"Good afternoon. My name is Garrett Martina, one of the Council members of this Academy," he began, pausing to scan the room; a grin formed on his lips.

"We will conduct the entrance exam right away. There will be two parts that must be completed to secure your position here at Aslan Academy for Hunters and Huntresses. We will begin with a written exam," he explained.

Multiple groans entered the air; I rolled my eyes, peeking up at Arielle who fluttered her wings, looking uninterested.

"The written exam is located at the testing hall. Find your seat; your test papers will already be waiting for you. Once settled, wait for the instructor to signal the start of the exam. If you do not achieve a ninety percent score, you will no longer be in the running to attend Aslan and you will be escorted off the property," he announced firmly.

The room was dead silent, his words sinking in. He grinned with pride. "Also note, if you refuse to leave willingly, there will be consequences," he added, scanning the room yet again.

When no one said a word, he continued.

"If you've brought family or your familiar, please allow them to roam the campus until you are finished. Upon reaching the test hall, there will be a section to stow your luggage for safe keeping. Once you've completed your written exam, it will be kept in a secure area until your final results have been calculated," he explained.

I looked to Arielle who fluttered her wings.

"You'll be okay?" I whispered to her.

"Bru," she confirmed softly.

I nodded.

She didn't wait for the councilman to finish; her wings blazed to life with blue and pink flames as she soared into the sky. I heard a few gasps as others ducked, but Arielle ignored them, heading out through one of the massive open windows on my far left.