Page 13 of Celestia, Year One

He sighed, standing up and coming over to me. Arielle landed back on my shoulder, chirping quietly. He reached out, placing his hand comfortingly on my head, giving me a light pat.

"You're a good girl, Celestia. I see you doing great things in the future. Don't let anyone keep you from prospering." He moved his hand to give Arielle a quick pet on her head before dropping his hand.

I gave him a nod. "Yes, Master."

"Now, shouldn't you be off on your morning run?" he reminded.

I winced. I was running late today and he knew it. "Yes. I came back to get my music player. I ran into Vincent on my way out and well, he distracted me," I confessed.

He nodded in understanding. "Go for your run. I have something to give to you when you return." He waved me away, leaving me with a burning curiosity.

What could he possibly have to give me?

"I can't get it now?" I asked, giving him a wide smile and blinking my eyes.

He laughed in return, shaking his head. He knew how impatient I was, especially regarding gifts. To be fair, who actually liked waiting for presents?

"No. Off you go. Do your run and stretches and come find me after." Magnor laughed, leaving me alone in the room. A small pout formed on my lips as I was left to wait.

"Bru-ree." Arielle looked disappointed, ruffling her feathers.

"I know. Evil I say," I replied, lifting my hand to pet her. I sighed, making my way outside and putting my earbuds in. Arielle took to the sky, shifting back into her larger form and flying ahead.

I turned on my music, sighing in relief as the KPOP song began to play. Music always helped me tune out the world.

I let the tension in my muscles release. I closed my eyes, taking a few extra seconds to be grateful and enjoy a calming moment with nature.

I opened my eyes, determined to get a solid workout in now that I knew I'd have to prove myself in the coming days.

I slipped my music player into my bra and began to run.

Thank You

Running always helped me clear my thoughts. I kept replaying my interaction with Vincent and the conversation his father had with Master Magnor.

I couldn't put into words the happiness I felt that Magnor defended me. However, I didn't want him to ban an entire vampire coven solely on my behalf.

Magnor had connections everywhere and that wasn't limited to our world alone. Regardless, I couldn't let him burn bridges even if he wasn't losing anything by doing so. I bet once the vampire coven found out what Vincent's father had done, they'd be coming over to try and apologize or at least track Magnor when he was off the property to request his forgiveness.

I hadn't realized I'd arrived back home till I passed the mailbox. I came to a stop, hunching over to rest my hands on my knees, catching my breath. I pulled out my music player, checking the time.

"Yes! Beat my previous record," I cheered, rising up and walking back to the open yard. I began to wrap the long cord of my headphones around my music player. When I reached the bench that stood near the entrance, I sat down, giving myself a moment to relax. I still needed to complete a few sets of stretches before I could head inside, but it wouldn't hurt to calm my racing heart first.

I was eager to go inside; the thought of Magnor's gift came to mind. I couldn't figure out what he wanted to give me as my birthday was still a few days away.

I stood up, inhaling deeply while I raised my hands up. As I began to exhale, I lowered them till my hands reached my toes. After holding the pose for ten seconds, I repeated the stretch three more times.

Once finished, I stood up, bending my leg so my heel touched my butt; I grabbed my ankle and held the position for thirty seconds before switching legs.

What could Magnor give me? Maybe it’s a gift for getting into the Academy. Books? He would totally get me books and tell me to fill my brain with knowledge instead of song lyrics. But he always gets me something unique. Books from another dimension? That wouldn't be too bad.

I moved onto a series of kickboxing movements. Left punch -right punch - guarded position and fighting stance. I continued to rotate between moves, alternating from time to time before adding a few kicks in between. Once I finished, I did a final set of breathing techniques and stretches, going from standing to downward dog, then moving one arm upward to stretch out my back while the other remained on the soft ground beneath me.

I rose up and took one last inhale, smiling at finishing my morning routine. I closed my eyes and exhaled, allowing my body to relax.


My grin widened as I opened my eyes, turning to my left to see Arielle flying toward me. A white glow engulfed her yet again, revealing her smaller form when it dimmed. She landed on my shoulder, brushing her head against my cheek. I laughed.