Page 103 of Celestia, Year One

"You mean when we're sad or mad?" I asked.

He nodded.

I frowned, looking at the stuffed unicorn in my hands. "But...what if I'm sad? Will I make a Forsaken?" I asked.

"Why are you sad, Celestia?" Magnor questioned.

"Mom went away for work. Daddy's not here. I'm...lonely," I admitted.

He gave me a sad expression, repositioning me on his lap to face him. "But you have the caregivers and friends at school," Magnor reminded.

I pouted, not ready to tell him about what was going on. "I'm still lonely," I confessed.

"But you have me," he whispered, using his hand to lift my chin so I looked into his eyes.

"You'll leave too...everyone leaves me," I replied. Master Magnor was only here because he was checking on me at Father’s request.

"I'll leave temporarily for work, but I'll never leave you, Celestia. I'll always be there for you and one day you'll meet people who will always be there when you need them. Being sad doesn't create Forsaken. It's when you allow your sadness and anger to consume you. When you give up all hope, you become one with the Forsaken," he explained.

"So...the Forsaken. They're people?" I asked, my eyes wide in shock.

Magnor gave me a sad smile, patting my head soothingly. "Yes, Celestia. They were once people like you and I. But they gave up on life and gave in to the darkness," he confirmed.

"Can't we save them?" I asked. I was sad that they joined the darkness because no one wanted to help them.

"Maybe. But we haven't found a way yet," Magnor admitted.

"I'm going to save them!" I declared, clenching my hands into fists in determination.

Magnor chuckled. "You think you can?" he asked.

"Of course! I'm a unicorn! I have light powers and can heal people. I'll heal them all and then everyone will be happy and I'll find friends who love me and get married and be happy!" I cheered.

"That's a lot you have to do," Magnor replied.

"Master Magnor," I lifted my hands up.

He grinned, knowing I wanted a hug. He pulled me into his arms.

"I will! I'm going to heal everyone and make lots of friends and be happy so no more Forsaken! I'll make Mommy, Father and you proud!" I declared.

"Indeed you will, Celestia," Magnor encouraged.

* * *


I opened my eyes; the ceiling of the dimly lit dorm room came into view.Huh?I looked over my shoulder to see Orion's purple eyes staring at me curiously. He looked half asleep himself, his white hair to one side and his bare shoulders made me realize we were in bed.

"Huh...where are we?" I asked.

"Home, Celestia," Orion replied.

I gave him a confused look, turning over to get a better view of him. He analyzed me carefully; his eyes trailed down my chest. I glanced down, noticing I wore just a white bra and my lower half was covered by the blanket we shared. We usually wore some type of clothing to bed so this was different, making me feel this situation was more intimate than before.

"So...that was all a dream?" I asked myself.

"What was?" Orion asked.