"This is no ordinary reality show. These men will be in constant danger."

"Oh, my." She gave Garrett a worried look. "You -  you'll be dealing with terrorists?"

Sean lowered his voice. "I'm sure you'll understand, Ms. Stein, that we're unable to divulge any more information."

Her face turned deathly pale. "I - I understand. I'll make sure your men are chosen."

"Fine, do that." Sean opened the door.

Ms. Stein glanced nervously at the two men and then at her papers. "Which one of you is going to be Garth Manly?"

"That's me." Garrett lifted a hand.

"Excellent. A very macho name. It suits you." She looked at Austin and frowned. "You need a decent haircut, Mr." - she glanced down at her papers -  "Little Joe Cartwright?"

Alyssa and Emma snickered.

"Austin." Sean glowered at him.

He shrugged. "She said a name suitable for television."

Ms. Stein's frown deepened. "You must select another name."


She chewed on her red power lipstick.


"Adam will do. And you, young man, should have a better attitude toward the performing arts." With a sniff, she left the room.

Sean went with her, leaving the teammates alone.

Garrett shook his head. "I can't believe this. A reality show?"

Austin shrugged. "Why should humans be the only ones with bad taste?"

"It sounds dumb to me," Garrett grumbled.

Alyssa smiled. "At least you have a good name."

"Garth Manly." Emma pursed her lips. "Ooh, it's so sexy."

Alyssa giggled, then abruptly stopped when Sean strode back into the room.

"All right." He pinpointed Austin with a stern look. "Ms. Stein is concerned about your... rumpled appearance. So, she's expecting you and Garrett at her agency in an hour. She's calling in an emergency hair stylist and wardrobe consultant."

Austin grimaced. "What about my stake-out?" He had hoped to see her again tonight. And have his 35-mm ready so he could discover the truth about her once and for all.

"Forget it," Sean answered. "Emma can record DVN from here."

Emma made another note on her legal pad. "I'll run those plates for you, too, Austin."

"Is this show really necessary?" Garrett lounged back in his chair. "Why don't we just break inside DVN during the day and gather information while the vampires are sleeping?"

Sean planted his palms on the table and leaned forward. "I want to know where my daughter is. I doubt it's written down on an invoice. You'll have to talk to the damned vampires and gain their trust. Working on this show will give you that opportunity. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir." Austin's reply was echoed by Garrett.

"Good." Sean gave Austin a wry look. "You do need a haircut."

He ran a hand through his shaggy, thick hair. "Sheesh. I thought the poodle place was doing so well."

Emma snorted. "Apparently not."

"Take this seriously," Sean warned him. "My daughter's life is at stake. And you could get killed." His mouth twisted with a wry smile. "Or worse, you could become a star."

Chapter 3

"Any luck convincing the ladies to be on the show?" Gregori maneuvered his Lexus into the right lane on Broadway.

Darcy gazed out the car window at the bright lights and images that flashed across the buildings in Times Square. "No. Princess Joanna announced the show was disgraceful, and since the others follow her lead, they all refused to take part."

"Except Vanda," Maggie added from the back seat.

Darcy nodded. "She enjoys being a rebel."

"Well, keep trying." Gregori turned right onto Forty-fourth Street. "I'll find you the fancy penthouse. You just get the harem out of my apartment. Deal?"

"Deal." Darcy noted the lights of the Shubert Theatre. The Stars of Tomorrow Casting Agency was only two blocks away.

Gregori slanted a curious look her direction. "Why are you doing auditions at this agency instead of DVN?"

"I'm trying to keep it a secret from Sly. He wanted some surprises on the show, and I thought this would be a good one."

Gregori winced. "He might be angry that you're fouling up his show with lowly mortals."

"He might be," Darcy conceded. "At first. But then, I think his superiority complex will kick in. He'll be convinced the mortals can never advance past the first few rounds."

"But what if they do advance?" Gregori asked. "You could piss off a bunch of Vamps who think they're superior."

"Well maybe, they'll have to realize they're not so damned superior after all."

"Sheesh," Gregori muttered. "Look, I don't like their snotty attitude, either. I hate it when they look down their noses at my mortal mom. But that's the way it is. You can't fight it."

"Someone should. Look at what they're doing -  running a television station with soaps like All My Vampires and General Morgue. They copy the mortals and claim to be superior to them at the same time. It's blatant hypocrisy, and I'm sick of it."

Gregori heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry you're unhappy, Darcy, but you gotta chill. It's not worth shooting yourself in the foot."

She gazed out the window. Gregori might have a point. This was the best job she could get, and she shouldn't let her anger destroy her chance at success. "Okay. I'll be careful."

"Good. Here we are." Gregori pulled over to double-park. "I'll be checking out rental sites for Roman's new restaurant. Just call me when you're done, and I'll come back."

Darcy touched his arm. "Thanks for everything."

She and Maggie left the car, went into the brown brick building, and waited in front of the elevator. Darcy realized that Maggie was being unusually quiet. Instead of her usual smile, she was frowning at the lit elevator button.

"Are you all right, Maggie?"

She sighed. "I didn't realize you hated us so much."

"I don't hate you! I never would have survived these last years if you hadn't been so kind to me."

Maggie turned toward her, anger flashing in her eyes. "Are you blind? Yes, I was nice. I felt sorry for you. But don't you see what you've done for me? When I met you I was still dressing like it was 1879. Sweet Mary, I was wearing a stupid bustle!"

"I have to admit, your tastes have improved."

"It's more than that. You gave me the nerve to try new things. You're so modern and strong and confident. I want to be like you. So, don't tell me that we all think we're superior."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize..."

Maggie gave her a sad smile. "You've made my existence worthwhile again. I have great hopes for the future, now. Thanks to you."

Darcy's eyes misted with tears. "Thank you."

Maggie gave her a hug. "Everything happens for a purpose. I believe that, and you should, too. You're meant to be here now."

Darcy returned the hug. She wanted to tell Maggie she agreed, but the words wouldn't come. What purpose could she possibly have in the vampire world?

The elevator doors swooshed open, and a man stepped out. "Jeez, ladies. Get a room." He continued to mutter to himself as he left the lobby.

Darcy and Maggie released each other, then started to snicker as they stepped into the elevator. On the tenth floor, they found a middle-aged woman in an expensive suit waiting outside the agency. Darcy wished she could afford such a nice suit. She was wearing her blue one again for good reason. It was the only suit she owned. She'd lost everything when her life had turned into a nightmare.

The woman strode toward them. "I'm Ms. Elizabeth Stein, owner and director of the Stars of Tomorrow Casting Agency. Is one of you Miss Darcy?"

"I am." Smiling, Darcy extended her hand.

Ms. Stein shook her hand quickly as if she were afraid of catching a disease. Her face was pale, and her mouth pinched with stress. "Delighted to meet you, Miss Darcy."

Darcy let the error stand. She'd only left her first name on the phone message for fear that her complete name might trigger some memories. "This is my assistant, Margaret O'Brian."

Ms. Stein nodded briefly at Maggie, then clutched her hands together. "The lobby is filled with applicants. I thought you should avoid seeing them before the auditions. So, if you'll follow me?" She motioned jerkily toward an unmarked brown door.