"It's not proof." She had to be alive. She had to be.

Emma regarded him sadly. "You are smitten. And with the enemy, no less."

"We don't have proof that she's a vampire."

"Is she or isn't she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure." Emma gave him a wry smile. "She wouldn't show up in the mirror."

"Forget it. I doubt I'll ever see her again." He divided the license plate photos in half. "Let's get to work on these."

"There you are!" Sean Whelan strode toward them. "I need you in the conference room now. Garrett and Alyssa are already there."

"Yes, sir." Emma picked up a legal pad and pencil from her desk, then headed toward the conference room.

Austin checked quickly that there were no more pictures of her lying about. He followed his boss, wondering if he should convey condolences over Shanna's engagement to a fanged fiance. Probably not. Sean's face was grim as he held open the door to the conference room. Austin entered quietly and sat in one of the chairs at the long oak table. He gave Garrett and Alyssa a brief nod. Emma greeted them personally. And cheerfully, of course. Austin yawned and wished he'd brought his coffee.

"Any news about your daughter?" Garrett asked as Sean closed the door.

Austin winced. He was beginning to think Garrett wasn't the sharpest guy around.

Sean stiffened and gave Garrett a cold stare. "Do you have anything positive to report?"

Garrett shifted in his chair, his clean-shaven cheeks reddening. "No, sir."

"I thought not." Sean stalked toward the head of the table. He grasped the leather back of the chair there, his grip so tight his knuckles showed white. "My daughter is still missing. What's more, that bastard Draganesti has twisted her mind to the point she has agreed to many him."

Alyssa and Emma gasped.

Garrett's mouth fell open. "But - but how do you know?"

"It was announced on DVN last night," Austin spoke quietly.

A strangled sound vibrated in Sean's throat as if he were suppressing another long litany of curses. He released the chair and began to pace about the room. "Obviously, time is running out. We have to find Shanna immediately, and the stake-outs are not getting us the information we need."

"We should check Draganesti's financial records," Emma suggested. "He may have rented or purchased another residence."

"Do it," Sean growled as he continued to pace.

Emma made a note on her legal pad.

"We need someone on the inside," Austin muttered.

"An informant?" Alyssa asked.

"No, an agent working undercover." Sean stopped at the head of the table and narrowed his eyes on Austin. "I was thinking the same thing. And I know how we can do it."

Silence pervaded the room as they all waited for Sean to elaborate. He began to pace again. "A month ago, I had Homeland Security contact businesses in the five boroughs and give them a list of names and businesses to look out for. One of those businesses was the Digital Video Network, the bogus name the vampires use for their network when dealing with humans."

Sean strode toward the door and paused. "Shortly before dawn, a female at DVN called the Stars of Tomorrow Casting Agency and left a message. Another call was made this afternoon to finalize the arrangements. Someone at DVN plans to use the agency's office tomorrow night to audition people for a reality show. The owner of the agency called Homeland Security to report the incident."

"The vampires are doing a reality show?" Alyssa asked.

Sean nodded. "Yes. And since they want to audition humans, it gives us the perfect chance to go in undercover."

"And infiltrate DVN," Austin whispered. His heartbeat quickened. He ought to volunteer. He might get to see her again.

"What kind of reality show? Is it like The Bachelor?" Emma exchanged a look with Alyssa. "With female contestants?"

Alyssa shuddered. "They could call it Bride of Dracula"

"I bet it's more like a vampire Survivor," Austin suggested. "They strand a group of humans on a deserted island with some hungry vampires, and see which one survives."

Alyssa grimaced. "That's terrible."

Sean rested a hand on the doorknob. "You're all wrong. They want men. Live men." He gave Austin and Garrett each a pointed look. "I need you two on that show."

Garrett turned pale. "Oh, God."

Oh, yes. "How do we get on?" Austin asked.

"It's all arranged. Just a minute. I have someone waiting outside in the hall." Sean left the room.

Silence descended. Alyssa gave the guys sympathetic looks.

"Well, here's your chance to be on the telly." Emma attempted a cheerful smile. "You might be famous."

"They might be dinner," Alyssa muttered.

Garrett sighed. "Why don't we just bomb them all and get it over with?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Because we're not sure an explosion would actually kill them. Besides, there are innocent humans working at Romatech and DVN. And Shanna is with them, too."

Alyssa nodded. "This could be the best way to find her."

Austin remained quiet to disguise the fact that his heart was racing and his breathing more shallow. His first priority should be finding Shanna, but all he could think about was the possibility of seeing her again. Shit. What was wrong with him? Working undercover could be dangerous, and all he could think about was the mystery woman? There was a name for agents who allowed themselves to get distracted. Deceased.

Sean appeared at the door again, this time with a middle-aged woman in an expensive suit. "This is Ms. Elizabeth Stein."

The woman greeted them with a slight nod and an even slighter smile. Her dark hair was swept up into a bun, her slender frame held stiffly erect.

"Ms. Stein is the owner of the Stars of Tomorrow Casting Agency," Sean explained. "It's one of the most prestigious agencies in the city."

She lifted her chin and looked down her long nose at them. "The most prestigious agency."

"Of course." Sean motioned toward the men. "Will they do?"

She stepped forward and studied Garrett with narrowed eyes. "Striking. I'd love to sign him up."

Garrett smiled, baring his perfect white teeth. "Thank you, ma'am."

Ms. Stein withdrew some papers from her expensive valise. "You understand that I represent only the most promising actors and actresses in the city. I am highly selective."

"So are we," Austin muttered.

She turned and inspected him slowly. With the lift of an eyebrow, she sniffed. "He's not my type, but he'll do."

"What? I'm not striking?" Austin tried to look appalled. "My sensitive side is crushed." Or it would be, if he had one.

"Austin." Sean shot him a warning look. "Fill out the paperwork. And since you two will be working undercover, invent new names for yourselves."

Ms. Stein passed out the papers. "I suggest you select a name that would be appropriate for the stage or television."

Austin skimmed over the contract, then filled it out and signed it. "What kind of reality show is it?"

"I don't know a great deal about it, but it appears to be a competition." Ms. Stein slanted a doubtful look at Austin. "It's called The Sexiest Man on Earth"

Emma let out a surprised laugh, then covered her mouth.

Austin gave her a lopsided smile. "You don't think I can win?"

"Not unless you introduce yourself to a razor and a comb, first." Ms. Stein picked up his contract with a disgusted look on her face. Then she smiled at Garrett as she gathered up his papers. "The auditions will begin at nine o'clock tomorrow evening at the Stars of Tomorrow Agency on Forty-fourth Street, two blocks from the Shubert Theatre. You should arrive early" -  her gaze flickered back to Austin - "appropriately groomed and dressed."

"Thank you, Ms. Stein." Sean walked back to the door. "It is imperative that both these men get on the show."

Her eyes widened. "But there could be hundreds of suitable young men auditioning."

Sean glowered at her. "You don't understand, Ms. Stein. These men must get on the show. The security of our nation is at stake. The innocent people of our country are in grave danger."

She blinked. "From a reality show?"