But something had. He tightened his grip on the remote. Something had happened to wrench her out of this sunny, happy life and imprison her in a world of dark demonic creatures. And it was hurting her. He could see it. The sorrow in her eyes. The tense way she clenched her hands together. The fear that caused her right eye to twitch. That nervous twitch never occurred in any of these tapes. It was something new. And most likely, it had started on Halloween four years ago.

Chapter 10

The penthouse at Raleigh Place boasted two floors of opulent decor, including Italian marble floors and columns and Baccarat crystal chandeliers. Darcy figured you could fit a small chamber orchestra into the master bathtub. Or you could feed the entire population of Liechtenstein from the huge pantry in the kitchen.

Even so, she preferred the roof. Maybe it was a result of her forced confinement, but she loved being under the open sky. She loved the evening breeze on her face and the scent of roses that wafted from the glass greenhouse in the corner. She loved how the swimming pool glimmered in the moonlight and cast dancing reflections along the white-painted walls surrounding the roof. A mist hovered over the hot tub, inviting her to indulge in its glorious heat. Huge clay pots sat every five feet along the chest-high walls, each pot containing a green leafy plant that soared high over her head. Some plants were trimmed into huge cones, while others were shaped into fanciful animals. Each topiary was covered with white twinkle lights that glittered like the stars overhead.

In the opposite corner from the greenhouse, there was a tiny pool house. The two rooms contained the bare essentials, in sharp contrast to the grandeur of the penthouse. But Darcy was so enthralled with the roof, she'd decided to make the pool house her office and special retreat.

She paced around the swimming pool, tense with excitement. She was wearing the sparkly maroon dress she'd bought for Shanna's wedding, because tonight, she'd spend some time in front of the camera. Tonight, they would begin filming The Sexiest Man on Earth. And after a separation of two long weeks, she would see Adam again.

"Here they come," Gregori announced from the north edge of the roof. Next to him, Bernie aimed his camera at the street twelve floors below.

Darcy rushed to the wall and peered over. A black limousine was slowly coming down the street. Maggie and the ex-harem judges were arriving. The second cameraman, Bart, was in the limo, so he could record their reactions to their new home. Darcy would combine the footage from both cameramen during the editing stage. The limo rolled to a stop at the red-carpeted entrance to Raleigh Place.

Gregori touched the earphones he was wearing. "Audio's coming in. I can hear them talking."

Darcy slipped her earphones on. At once, she could hear the excited voices of the ladies inside the limo.

"Land sakes!" Cora Lee exclaimed. "This place is grand!"

"Look," Lady Pamela said. "A footman is coming to open the door for us."

"That's a doorman," Vanda muttered.

"He's still a servant," Lady Pamela huffed. "Though I must say, it is appalling how servants these days neglect to wear their powdered wigs."

"Or proper livery," Princess Joanna declared. "It is impossible to tell which lord he is serving."

Darcy sighed as she watched from the roof. The ex-harem was so stuck in the past. She'd insisted that they update their wardrobe for the show, but now, she had a dreadful feeling they had completely ignored her. Bart climbed out first with his camera so he could record the ladies exiting the car. Vanda climbed out and strode down the red carpet. She was striking with her purple hair and dress. So far, so good.

Lady Pamela exited next. She adjusted the bodice on her Regency-style gown of pale blue silk. Her matching reticule hung from a ribbon around her wrist. Darcy groaned.

Maria Consuela and Princess Joanna moved onto the red carpet, both wearing long medieval gowns with veils covering their hair.

"I thought you bought them new clothes," Gregori muttered.

Darcy sighed. "You know what they say about old dogs."

Cora Lee struggled to get out of the car, but her hoop skirt jammed in the narrow door opening. Maggie shoved her from behind, and she popped out onto the sidewalk. Then Maggie jumped out and closed the door.

They filed into the building, murmuring their appreciation of the marble floor and gilded ceiling.

"I do declare," Cora Lee exclaimed. "That elevator is so shiny!"

"Yes," Maggie agreed. "That's the elevator for the penthouse. The doors are solid brass."

"How lovely," Lady Pamela's snooty voice could be heard over the others. "Be a dear and push the button for us."

"Ah, actually, I need you to follow me," Maggie said. "This way, please."

"Where are you taking us?" Princess Joanna demanded.

"To another elevator," Maggie explained.

"But this hallway is so plain and dreary," Cora Lee whined.

"Why are we not going to the penthouse?" the princess asked sharply. "Where does this other elevator go?"

"Oh, it goes to the penthouse," Maggie assured them. "It just goes to the... kitchen and servants' floor. It's very nice and private."

"Servants' floor?" the princess shrieked.

Darcy and Gregori both winced as her strident voice grated over the headphones.

"Yes," Maggie responded. "We'll have very nice bedrooms all to ourselves on... the servants' floor."

"The servants' floor?" Lady Pamela's voice shook. "I'm the daughter of a baron, the widow of a viscount. I cannot live amongst servants!"

"There will only be the six of us," Maggie assured her. "And we'll each have our own bedroom. Here we are. This is the service elevator."

"This is horrid, simply horrid," Lady Pamela sounded shrill. "I - I'm coming down with the vapors!"

"Silly child," Princess Joanna growled. "Where are your smelling salts?"

Darcy rolled her eyes. Lady Pamela's so-called smelling salts consisted of a vial filled with Chocolood.

"I'd better help Maggie." Darcy headed for the stairwell located close to the greenhouse. She glanced back at Gregori and Bernie. "I'll see you in the foyer at ten o'clock."

Gregori nodded. "We'll be there."

Darcy paused at the stairwell door. "Bernie, can you make arrangements for a helicopter? I'd like to get an aerial shot of this roof. It's so lovely."

"No problem." Bernie set down his camera and pulled out a cell phone.

Darcy opened the door to the stairwell. The reception on her earphones was faint now, but she could still hear the sound of screeching voices. Poor Maggie. Darcy rushed down three flights of stairs, then exited on the servants' floor. She could hear the ex-harem in the service elevator.

"Please calm down," Maggie pleaded. "There are six bedrooms on the servants' floor. They're small, but very nice. You'll each have your own room with a lovely view of Central Park."

"The view is of no consequence," Princess Joanna snapped. "It is a floor for peasants. I will not sleep in that hovel."

"It's not a hovel," Maggie insisted.

"This is quite beyond the pale," Lady Pamela declared. "We should be living in the penthouse."

"There are only five bedrooms in the penthouse," Maggie explained. "We need those for all the male contestants. As it is, they're going to have to share rooms."

"They could share the rooms on the servants' floor," Cora Lee offered.

"Those rooms are too small to be shared," Maggie argued.

"Ridiculous," Princess Joanna hissed. "The men should give us their bedchambers. Have they not heard of chivalry?"

The elevator doors opened. The cameraman Bart turned toward Darcy.

She greeted them with a smile. "Good evening. Welcome to your new home."

"This is an outrage!" Princess Joanna glared at her. "You said we would be living in the penthouse."

"The servants' quarters are part of the penthouse, and you'll each have your own room." Darcy led the way to the servants' parlor. "I believe you will find the accommodations quite comfortable." She opened the door.

The ladies trudged inside, grumbling. They stopped in the parlor and looked around. The couches and easy chairs were large and overstuffed; the television was as huge as the one they'd enjoyed at Roman's house. Vanda strolled into the kitchen and checked out the refrigerator. Bottles of synthetic blood, Chocolood, and Bubbly Blood lined the shelves.