Page 5 of Christmas with You

He looked away, embarrassed she’d caught him looking.

Then, she caught him by surprise when she waved her hand in the air and made a whirling sound with her mouth. “Bad weather, eh?”

Caleb nodded his head. “Yes, it’s already raining. Very hard. You made it just in time.” He pointed at the door then cracked it open for her to see.

Naomi studied his face intently as she read his lips. “Yes, rain. Hard.” She wiggled her fingers, her hand pointed downward, as she imitated the rain. She rubbed her hands on the sides of her arms as though she were cold, and Caleb motioned for her to go over by the fire.

“Naomi,” he asked as soon as she turned around. “Why are you out in this? Why did you walk here?”

She rubbed her hand across the front of her stomach. “Thought you might be hungry.”

A smile creeped up on Caleb’s face. Was she kidding him? She thought he needed food, so she ventured out in this mess. For him?

Chapter Six

Lucky for him, he’d brought a box of saltines from home, and he set to work crumbling a few into the bowl of chili. “Did you make?” he asked and pointed to his bowl.

Nodding her head, she asked, “You like?”

“Oh, yes. Chili is my favorite. Especially when it’s cold outside.”

Naomi looked at him intently and Caleb immediately felt bad. He’d forgotten all about her not being able to hear him. This time, he looked at her directly and spoke slower, so she could read his lips and know exactly what he said.

“Yes,” he repeated. “Chili. My favorite.” He patted his stomach as he took another bite. “Really good.”

The smile returned to Naomi’s face. “Glad you like.”

“Do you want some?” he asked and pointed to the little bit left in the bowl on the counter.

“Thank you,” she mouthed. “Already ate.”

The two of them sat at the kitchen table making small talk while he ate. When he’d inquired about her walking over with a storm approaching, she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

When the rain showed no signs of letting up, Caleb figured it was best he let Gene know that his water situation could wait. Regardless of how desperate he was for it to be fixed, now was not the time for anyone to be worrying about it. He also needed to let Gene know that Naomi was at his place in case he and his wife got home and discovered she wasn’t there.

“I’m afraid we’re not going to make it back tonight,” Gene said into the phone. “We’re going to have to get a room here at the hotel and pray that we can make it home tomorrow. That is if the roads aren’t too icy. We had a feeling it might get bad tonight. Now they’re saying it’s going to dip down even more than they’d originally forecasted which poses an even bigger problem for the roads. It’s not safe to drive when the roads are iced over. I’m so glad that you called to let us know about Naomi though and that she’s there with you.”

“I didn’t want you both to worry about her,” Caleb replied. “She surprised me by showing up with dinner earlier and while I could drive her back over to your place, I’d feel better if I didn’t have to get out in this weather. It’s really coming down out there.”

“Just have her message us with what she plans to do. She doesn’t get out often and I’m glad to know the two of you have reconnected.” Gene sounded happy that his daughter wasn’t stuck at home all by herself.

“I’ll let her know. You both stay safe and don’t worry about us.” Caleb ended the call and walked back to the kitchen where he’d left Naomi. He found her sitting at the dining room table playing with her phone. He imagined she spent quite a bit of time with it, since it helped her to be able to communicate. She looked up when she saw him pull out the chair across from her.

“Did you call my parents?” she asked and brought her right hand up to her ear as though she were on the phone.

Caleb nodded. “Yes, I wanted them to know you were here.” Using his hands, he waved them out if front of him and pointed to the floor.

Naomi sat up straight in her chair. “So much rain,” she mouthed then ran her hands up and down her arms.

“Are you cold?” he asked and quickly stood up to grab one of his flannel shirts he’d draped over one of the chairs.

She lifted her hand then brought her thumb and forefinger close together for him to see. “Little bit.”

“You can wear this if you’d like,” he said and held the shirt open for her to put on.

She took it without him having to persuade her then slid her arm into one of the sleeves. Caleb helped her with the collar, then rolled up both sleeves since they were long on her. He had to admit it felt a little strange being so close to her, someone he hardly knew. If he were being honest, he liked it. There was such a peaceful, easy feeling he got from being around her…

Naomi walked over to the big front window and looked out at the falling rain. “Ugh,” she said and turned to look at Caleb. Then she turned her nose up to show she wasn’t happy about it.