Page 40 of Smokin’ Cowboys

She didn’t hate it.

And then, just when she thought it was all over, Cody upped the stakes.

“I have something else for you.”

He held something up in front of her and Ellie blinked at it through eyes clouded with both lust and a heavy kind of fog which seemed to slow all of her thought processes.

She stared at it for long moments, but her brain wasn’t really functioning on all cylinders right now.

“Do you know what it is?”

Ellie blinked some more. She knew what she thought it was from some of the books she’d read, but she’d never seen one up close and personal before, so her mind faltered.

“It’s a butt plug,” Cody confirmed, and a whole-body shiver cascaded through Ellie’s frame. She just wasn’t sure whether it had its origin in fear or excitement. Maybe a healthy dose of both.

He twirled the bulb-like, silver toy by its… oh boy, did you call it a handle or what? She tried to concentrate on his words instead of the motion.

“With your permission, I’d like to start training you for anal.”

That was it! Her mind was blank again. It was like it just didn’t know what to think or how to respond, so it just shut down on the decision-making process.

“And while I realize you haven’t committed yourself to any of us yet, I believe it’s a practice that my brothers are also rather fond of. Although I have to admit that I hope I won’t be doing this wholly for their benefit.” He said the last with a dry laugh and as he did so, he eased his fingers underneath the elastic waistband of her panties and stroked her buttocks, skin on skin, which sent her lust into the stratosphere. Hot damn, she might just let him do anything he wanted.

“Okay,” she finally replied hoarsely, though she was not at all sure whether she was in her right mind. But the simple truth was that laying here across his knee like this just made her want to please him.

Chapter Thirteen

The next couple of weeks were… interesting. Ellie happily settled into her role of, well, she’d call herself a ‘housekeeper’ for now, and she loved every minute. She had often thought she’d been born in the wrong century and was frequently embarrassed to admit that nothing fulfilled her more than cooking and looking after her men.

Here, at least, that wasn’t a mindset she had to worry about. She could just be herself and do all the things she loved with no one sniping about how she was undermining feminist issues or some such thing. And really, it wasn’t that she thought all women should stay at home and look after their husbands. She just thought every woman had the right tochoose. And this was her choice.

And as for that spanking Cody had given her, well, she was still trying to get her head around that one; vacillating between wanting to experience it again and run far, far away.

And her men because, really, she thought of all three of them as hers; they were set to blow her mind even further!

There didn’t seem to be any planning or structure to their joint offensive; there were no set days or times that each of them specified as their own, but despite their random engagements, they somehow managed not to step on each other’s toes. They also kept Ellie completely off balance. Just when she thought she was settling into a rhythm with one of them, another would step up and set her head spinning all over again.

Honestly, she thought maybe Cody had the edge. That whole dominant vibe he threw off corresponded perfectly with her own deferential headspace and as ambivalent as she still was over the spanking, the whole scenario and her wanting to drop to her knees and kiss his feet in a way that had her mildly embarrassed… and maybethatwas the reason she hadn’t completely embraced that particular relationship. She actually wasn’t sure how she felt about becoming so unmitigatedly servile. Still, she was three quarters of the way there. Or at least she thought she was until Syrus upped the stakes.

He eased up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist while she was washing some vegetables at the sink and daydreaming out of the kitchen window at the sight of the hills and pastures in the distance and for a moment it seemed like he had walked straight out of her fantasies.

She leaned back against his leanly muscled chest and closed her eyes; she just couldn’t help herself; it felt so good to just be held for a moment. To lose herself in the shelter of those strong, reliable arms.

Syrus nuzzled her neck and Ellie felt an intense yearning skitter along her nerve endings as her heart did a slow roll.

“Hey sweetheart, can you organize a meal that can pretty much cook itself today?” he asked, his breath warm against the shell of her ear.

Ellie tried her best to concentrate on what he was saying, but when he pulled her back against him and started placing butterfly light kisses down the side of her neck, it was all she could do not to melt into a puddle at his feet.

“I… umm.” Oh heck, what did he ask? She opened her eyes and tried to concentrate on the vegetables in the bowl instead. Oh yes, dinner.

“Yes, of course,” she replied breathlessly. “I can just throw all this together in the slow cooker.”

“Perfect. I’ve taken the day off and I’ve got a surprise in store for you.”

“You have?”

“Yes, Siree, so as soon as you’re ready, come and find me in the stables.”