Page 50 of Smokin’ Cowboys

She knew in her heart it was the best decision. If she stayed and maybe, oh, picked a name out of a hat or something, the feelings she had for the others, the jealousy she would feel towards the subsequent wives they chose, would sour everything for them all. She couldn’t allow that to happen.

Better by far to leave and pretend that it wasn’t breaking her heart.

Chapter Seventeen

Ellie didn’t quite get to the foot of the attic stairs.

She was vaguely aware, through the depth of her own torment, that the three of themwere talking quietly, frantically, behind her. No doubt they were trying to work out a way of keeping her here to work things out, but nothing they could say would make any difference now. No matter how much time she spent thinking about it, she doubted she could ever choose and, if she was entirely honest with herself, she didn’t want to. She was completely selfish and wanted to keep them all for herself.

Except maybe she hadn’t quite banked on their combined determination or the depths of their own feelings too.

A moment later, she was tossed none too gently over Cody’s shoulder before he did an about turn and strode determinedly to a bedroom at the far end of the hall.

She was too shocked to respond, but somewhere outside of her surprise, she knew it was someone else’s hand that opened the door.

Below her she could see several sets of feet and was still trying to make sense of everything when she was thrown down, with a bounce, onto a huge bed.

Her head was still spinning as all three brothers began divesting her of her clothing. In retrospect, she knew just how astonished she must have been at this turn of events because it never once occurred to her to stop them.

“Right, we’re going to settle thisonceand for all,” Cody claimed stridently as he shucked his own clothes.

Ellie just blinked as his tanned, hair-roughened chest was exposed and then looked across in shock at Syrus and Ezra, who were in similar states of undress. She tried desperately to take it all in, but her brain just wouldn’t compute.

Her body, on the other hand, was completely on board with whatever was going on and her libido was busy doing a happy dance as her pulse kicked up at the sight of all that delicious, naked flesh.

Before she could contemplate any further, she was surrounded by all three of them. Their hands and mouths were everywhere, and Ellie had to seriously wonder whether she was dreaming.

Really though, she must be, because things like this just didn’t happen outside of her sleeping subconscious and maybe a book, or a few, she had read. But if this was a dream, then she was totally going with it.

And then all conscious thought was completely wiped out and all she could do was feel.

The mouth that was sending skitters of warm pleasure down her neck, as his lips nibbled the sensitive area behind her ear, she suspected might belong to Syrus. The one suckling strongly at her breast and igniting a corresponding fire in her belly; Ezra.

There was some shuffling around, and Ellie kept her eyes resolutely closed. Since the likelihood was that this was a dream, then she didn’t want to wake up.

Or maybe she wasn’t dreaming after all. Maybe she’d died and gone to heaven. It felt like heaven. Wait, did they have sex in heaven?

Or perhaps be she’d been sent to hell for her sins. But if this was hell, then she was totally up for staying here.

A strong arm positioned itself behind her knees and pulled her butt clear of the bed at the same time as a hand speared into her hair and tugged her head around to meet the lips that had recently abandoned her neck.

There were no prizes for guessing the identity of the person delivering the light swats that were peppering her ass, but her cries were swallowed by the sensual kiss that engulfed her and the slight pain was immediately morphed into something altogether darker and sexier by the teeth that grazed her nipple and the sensual, stroking hands that seemed to be everywhere all at once.

The bed creaked as bodies moved, and she felt something soft cover her face and the tiniest pressure around her head. She opened her eyes to complete darkness and realized it must be a blindfold. Slowly she became aware that her arms were incapacitated. They were both still straight by her sides, but a strong hand held her immobile at the wrist. And then two hot mouths engulfed both her nipples at the same time, and she didn’t think about it anymore. The pure eroticism of having lips on both breasts at once started a fire in her chest and soon she was panting and mewling, breathy nonsense words spilling from her throat as she was swept away on a tide of hot desire.

Strong hands grasped her ankles, pushing upwards and forcing her knees to bend. Not that she needed much encouragement. Then, the bodies on either side of her grasped her knees with the hand that wasn’t already holding her wrist and pulled them apart until she was splayed wide open for all to see. They didn’t let go, and neither did they cease their sensual assault on her breasts.

Ellie was well on her way to spontaneous combustion when she registered the first gentle slap against her labia. She nearly catapulted off the bed. She bucked so hard, but the hands that held her kept her in place.

The erotic torment didn’t stop there as a half dozen carefully placed spanks sent her deeper into a sensual delirium. Just when she thought things couldn’t possibly get any hotter, the aim altered ever so slightly and caught her clit instead. Ellie screamed in pleasure, writhing and canting her hips off the bed in a desperate effort to get closer to the source; to be granted the relief she so desperately craved.

She was indulged with some well-placed slaps that had her ready to skyrocket, but just when she thought her climax was inevitable, everything stopped.

“No!” Ellie screeched. “Don't stop, please don't stop. Dear lord, please don't leave me like this.”

She didn't care that she was begging, she didn't care that they must surely be able to see the sticky evidence of her desire leaking down her legs.

There was just one thing on her mind right now, and that was the culmination of the wild, breathtaking ride she was currently on.