Page 17 of Smokin’ Cowboys

Carly and Sheri did exactly that while Cora poked around in the fridge.

Ellie shook her head at their timing, realizing that it was about time for the men to come in for their lunch. Figured.

“I’m going to dig around in the freezer for something tomake for dinner,” she said to nobody in particular. Nobody answered.

By the time she had found and identified some ground beef, she could hear voices in the kitchen. She should have known. It seemed there was only one thing that pulled the girls away from whatever it was they did all day, and that was the Carson brothers.

“Wow, this place is looking great. You must have worked really hard.” She heard Ezra compliment as he ran his finger over the dresser shelf.

“Oh, it didn't take long with all of us chipping in,” Sheri replied, beaming at him.

Ellie stood in the doorway and just looked at her. Did she seriously just say that? They’d come down in time to arrange a few flowers which they hadn’t even picked themselves and based on that one, non-essential task they were taking credit for the lot!

She was about to say her piece when Cora interrupted.

“Ah, there you are, Ellie. Lunch is ready. Why don't you put that meat to defrost and come and join us?”

She didn't know if it was her imagination, but somehow Cora almost made it sound as if Ellie had only just put in an appearance. She had made lunch - nothing special, just grilled cheese and tinned soup - but she’d made an effort to include her, so it seemed rude to say anything.

“So, what's for dinner this evening? asked Syrus, rubbing his hands in anticipation.

“I thought I'd make a big batch of chili,” Ellie told the table at large. Whether or not her suspicions were groundless, there was going to be no mistaking who made tonight’s meal.

“Sounds good,” said Cody with a smile. “You can't beat a good chili.”

“He's right there,” Ezra agreed, nodding enthusiastically. “Good, nutritious ranch food that's stood the test of time, and one of my personal favorites.”

Ellie felt her heart lift. Finally, she was doing something right. She took that happy thought with her and let it warm her as she weeded the veggie garden that afternoon after setting the chili to slow cook. Life was good. She was finding her place here on the land, even if she couldn’t quite decide on a preference between the three brothers, but that was okay too. She liked them all equally; she didn’t mind waiting for one of them to choose her.

Ellie came indoors tired and dusty, but content, and checked the progress of her chili. It was another of her Gran's special recipes and lifted an everyday chili to new heights with the addition of a few subtle herbs.

Happy with how it had progressed, she turned it down low to keep warm and set the rice cooker on timer so she could take a quick shower before dinner.

She was even happier when she returned to find that things hadn’t been monopolized by the sisters for once. She set the table and greeted the men when they all came in together. As soon as they’d washed up,the ‘trifecta’, as she had started to think of them,arrived like clockwork and Ellie hefted the large crockpot onto the table and busied herself fetching rice, freshly made cornbread and a dish of tortilla chips.

She served up and smiled as everybody tucked in. It was Carly who screeched first. “Oh my god! You’re trying to kill us!”

Her words were followed by Sheri rushing out of the room, gagging, and Cora spitting her mouthful into a napkin.

Ezra coughed and she could see his eyes watering as he blinked rapidly and grabbed for his water glass.

“What?” Ellie cried in alarm; her eyes widewithshock. “What is it?”

Cody took a tentative sniff at the chili on his fork and gingerly touched his tongue to just the very edge before he screwed up his nose.

“I think you might have gone slightly overboard on the chili powder,” he said, throwing his discarded utensil back onto his plate.

“The chili powder?” she asked in confusion. “But…”

“It’s an easy enough mistake,” said Syrus, picking up the crockpot and pouring the contents into the garbage disposal.

“But…” Ellie trailed off, feeling tears prickling behind her eyes.

“You did your best, I’m sure.” Cora might have been trying for reassuring, but to Ellie it justsoundedsmug and condescending.

How the heck could this have happened?

“I’ll… I’ll just go and… and see what else…” Ellie stuttered brokenly.