Page 36 of Slowly, All at Once

“I don’t want anything from you, Jacob,” I said as my breath caught and tears started to fall. “Not your favors, not anything.”



We both stood staring at each other, saddened at the horrible turn the afternoon had taken.

Quietly, he said, “I’m going to go take a shower.”

I nodded, and he left my room. “Fine. Whatever. Leave.”

But he was already back in his room, and he didn’t hear me. I was practically choking on my tears.

When I had what I needed, I rushed to the Foundation’s office, frantic to say the words I’d rehearsed on the drive over from the store. The receptionist jumped when I hurriedly stumbled into the office. She put her hands to her chest. “Lord, you scared me, Camille. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is great. Is Jenna here? I really need to talk to her.”

From the top of the stairs, Jenna said, “I thought I heard your vivacious voice.” She reached the bottom step and her brow furrowed. “What’s wrong? Let’s go out back.”

I followed her, and she held the back door for me as I walked onto the deck.

She took a seat at the table, and gestured for me to sit. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so frazzled.”

I put my face in my hands and took a deep breath. The best place for me to start was at the beginning, and I just blurted it out, “I don’t have any money. My dad cut me off, told me I needed to find a job. I had to help Jacob on a rafting trip in exchange for him helping me get all the athletes, and I’m moving in with Mia and John for a few weeks. I don’t have any money left to pay you the balance for what we need for the photoshoot.”

“Camille….” Her eyes turned sad.

“Wait, let me finish.” I leaned forward and looked at her as earnestly as I could. “I wanted so desperately for this calendar to be a success. I was trying to figure out how to pay the Foundation for all the services, but I just don’t have it.”

Embarrassed, I dropped my eyes to the ground. “And I don’t have anything lined up in the foreseeable future. Jacob has basically been feeding me this past week, and my dad put the house on the market, so I’m dependent on Mia for a place to live too.”

I stood and paced. “I’ve given it some thought, and I’d like to propose that I work here, at the Foundation until I can pay off the cost of the calendar. I’ll bring you a resume and apply online so it’s all formal. I have a plan for something but it will take me a few weeks, or months, to get it up and running.”

“Camille, you don’t—”

“Please Jenna, don’t say no.” I couldn’t take the pity and sad look on her face.

“Camille, stop!”

I blinked my eyes.

“Just stop and breathe.”

Her abrupt tone caught me off guard. I stood there, expressionless, and waited.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Which part?”

“About your dad selling the house. He must know how much you love it here. What did he think you would do?”

I shrugged, “Live in a tent on the elk refuge? I don’t know. He was pretty clear about it, and the FOR-SALE sign was up the next day.”

“And you need a job?”

“I do. And I’ll work for free until the calendar project costs are paid.”

She was quiet a moment, a small smile curving on the outside of her mouth. “I don’t think that will be an issue. You can start next week. We have a stack of grants that need to be reviewed. You have a good eye for special projects. I’ll walk you through the review process and get you started.”