“I don’t think you’re ready for this,” Ness observed as they paused outside the cell where the two members of the Citizens Committee they already had in custody were housed. “Are you certain you want to do this? I can question them myself if you’re not in the right frame of mind. No one would blame you if you took a few days off.”
Drake just glowered at Ness, even though he was probably right, then strode forward and unlocked the door. He needed to get Heather out of his mind and concentrate on the matter at hand. The way to the leader of the Citizens Committee was through the men in this cell. If their leader hadn’t been certain they’d give up his name, the bastard wouldn’t have taken Drake to begin with.
When he and Ness entered the cell, the two men scrambled up from the cots where they’d been laying, staring at them nervously.
“What do you want with us?” the larger one demanded. He was a hulking brute of a man with a bald pate and thick dark beard. The other one was slim and freckled, his bright red hair out of place in the drab cell.
Ness glanced down at the clipboard in his hands, looking completely bored. “James Oliver and Micah Brown?”
“I’m James Oliver,” the larger one said, seeming to have taken it upon himself to be the spokesperson for them both.
“We’re here to ask you some questions,” Ness told them. “About the Citizens Committee.”
“We ain’t telling you nothin’,” Micah finally piped up.
Drake stared them down, channeling every ounce of aristocratic disdain he possessed. “Oh, I think you will. You see, my friend here isn’t above making you very uncomfortable until you do.”
That was a bluff, actually. Drake would never condone beating someone for information, but they didn’t know that. And Ness looked the part of a bruiser, with his muscular build and steely gaze, even though he had more heart and intelligence than most men Drake knew.
“What’s in it for us if we talk?” James asked, his bravado already fading.
“Two people are dead because of the Citizens Committee,” Drake growled. “Why don’t you do the honorable thing for once in your life and not worry about what’s in it for you?”
James swallowed visibly, then exchanged a look with Micah. Whatever he saw in his compatriot’s gaze must have decided him. “We didn’t know that he meant to hurt anyone,” he said finally. “We thought we was doing a good thing, fighting for workers’ rights.”
Micah nodded. “He’s a madman. Dangerous. And he hasn’t even tried to help us since we got arrested.”
Ness made a show of inking his pen. “Tell us his name, and we’ll see if we can get a deal for you.”
Again, they exchanged a look, but then James nodded. “His name is Jacob Lindon.”
* * *
HALF AN HOUR LATER, Drake and Ness were seated in Drake’s office, planning their next moves. James had given them not only Jacob Lindon’s name but a pretty good idea of where he could be found during the day.
Lindon would probably be lying low since Drake and Heather had escaped and knew where his headquarters were, but now they knew his home address and a list of pubs he liked to frequent.
“Send men out to all these places,” Drake decided, running his forefinger up the list that Ness had compiled from James’s information. “While you’re doing that, I need to put in an appearance at home. I have to know what Danbury’s been up to in my absence.”
Ness nodded. “Once we take Lindon into custody, I’ll send word.”
“Thank you.” Drake rubbed his hands across his face, wondering if he’d ever get a good night’s sleep again. He felt like he was at the end of his strength and wanted nothing more than to collapse into bed, press up against Heather’s softness, and sleep for a month.
The thought surprised him but made him certain that a marriage between them would be a good thing for them both. He’d certainly never thought of a woman like this before, imagining just sleeping beside her instead of making love to her.
“No rest for the wicked, eh?” Ness said with a smile. Then he sobered. “I saw you coming back from the garden with Miss Fields last night.”
Drake lowered his hands, pinning Ness with a glare. “It’s really none of your business, but you can tell the rest of your nosy little group that I took her out there to propose.” He was tired of the accusations and somewhat hurt that they all seemed to expect the worst out of him. Hadn’t he always comported himself with decency and discretion?
Ness caught his breath, raising his eyebrow. “Really? I must say I’m quite surprised.”
“Why should you be?” Drake fired back. “She’s a beautiful, sweet woman who didn’t deserve any of this. I won’t have people thinking less of her because she was alone with me for a few days.”
“I agree,” Ness said quietly. “But we both know that those in your circle won’t feel the same way. They’ll always look down on her.”
“I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks,” Drake said stubbornly, though he cringed inside to think of what his father would say and how it would affect Amelia if he married a lady’s maid. Then he smiled darkly. “Besides, once we arrest Danbury, my family is going to have a lot more scandal to weather than my marriage to a lady’s maid.”
“That’s true.” Ness gave a wicked laugh, seeming to also see the humor in the situation. “I doubt anyone will be talking about your marriage at all once it becomes common knowledge that your brother is The Viper.”