Page 31 of Dark Desires

“The laws are there for a reason,” Drake replied, even though he knew all too well how unfair the whole system was. If he’d had the same evidence against a common man, he’d probably have already hung by now. But the people who made the rules had always made sure that they were in their favor.

“We know that,” O’Brien snapped. “That doesn’t keep us from being frustrated by how slow this is going.”

“Do you think I’m not frustrated?” Drake fired back, anger surging through him. “I have more reason than most to want him stopped.”

“You also have more reason than most to want to see him go free,” O’Brien pointed out, his face carefully neutral.

Drake’s anger at that accusation was only tempered by the fact that they had no idea what his older brother had put him through growing up. They didn’t know how much he’d been bullied and tortured by someone who was supposed to love and protect him. They didn’t know his father had never stepped in to do a damn thing about it.

He took a deep breath, struggling not to explode. They didn’t know, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell them. And because of that, he was in this by himself, as had always been the case.

“I’m not going to defend myself to you,” Drake said shortly. “I’ve told you repeatedly that I intend to do everything in my power to bring him to justice.”

Ness sighed and shook his head. “Don’t mind us. We’re both still just a little on edge about what happened to you and Miss Fields. We feared that perhaps your brother had made her his next victim.”

“That crossed my mind too,” Drake relented. “Let’s just get back to it tomorrow, shall we? Constable Pond would alert us if my brother was up to no good. So for tonight, let’s just try to relax and enjoy our evening.”

“You’re absolutely right,” O’Brien agreed. “Let’s rejoin the ladies.”

Chapter Twelve

By the time the menfinally rejoined them, Heather was more than ready for them to do so. Though she loved being around Allison and Jocelyn, she wasn’t used to being considered an actual guest, and she still felt quite awkward. She also didn’t want to listen to any more advice and speculation about what was going on between her and Drake. She still wasn’t sure herself and needed some time to think about it all now that her life wasn’t in imminent danger.

Drake caught her eyes the moment he entered the room, and she could tell that he felt the same way and had endured many of the same questions as she had. Understanding surged between them, and for perhaps the first time in her life, she suddenly felt truly part of something. The time they’d shared together in that cellar had forced them to shed the social niceties and be completely real and honest with each other. They had become a team.

The thought fluttered through her mind, enticing and beautiful, until she remembered that she hadn’t truly been honest with him. In fact, the entire basis of their relationship had been a lie.

He crossed the room to her side and took the chair next to her, which she’d chosen specifically because they set a bit apart from the others. It wasn’t as though no one in the room could hear them, but if they pitched their voices low enough, the others would have to stop talking themselves and listen very carefully.

“How are you?” he asked softly, the moment he sat. “Did you get some rest?”

“I’m fine,” she responded, her voice just as low. “I slept the whole day away. How about you? You got even less sleep when we were in that cellar than I did.”

“I slept longer than I should have,” he said ruefully. “I only meant to rest an hour or two but I suppose it all caught up to me. I only joined the group a little while before you did.”

Silence fell between them but it wasn’t awkward. With him, she didn’t feel as though she needed to talk all the time.