Page 25 of Dark Desires

“Come in,” she called, expecting it to be Allison.

Much to her surprise, Drake stepped into her room instead. “Drake,” she whispered, then flushed. “I mean, Mr. Blackstone.”

He gave her a chiding look, then crossed the room to her side, pulling her into his arms and holding her tightly. “Just because we’re out of that cell doesn’t mean you can’t call me Drake.”

She relaxed against him, all of the fear and confusion of the last few moments seeping out of her as his warmth crept in. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

He cupped her chin in his big hand and tilted her face up toward his. “I told you I’d keep you safe, didn’t I? Now pack a bag. We’re going somewhere that no one can find you for the next few days.”

She bit her lip, glad for his reassurance but also still worried about her friends. “What about Allison and Quinn?”

“They’re coming with us. We’re all going to go stay with Sebastian Ness.”

A little jolt of excitement went through her. Inspector Ness’s wife was her good friend Jocelyn, who’d been a countess before she’d married her handsome policeman. “Do they know we’re staying with them?” she asked ruefully, knowing there hadn’t possibly been time to alert them of their visit.

“Not yet,” he said with a wink. “But I’m sure they’ll be happy to have us.”

The thought of being under the protection of not just Drake but Quinn and Inspector Ness helped immensely. Jacob would be a fool to attack them at Jocelyn’s house because she had an army of strapping footmen as well.

For a moment longer, he continued to hug her, then released her with a smile. “Hurry up. Get ready. I want to be gone from here before those bastards who took us even realize we’re gone.”

“All right,” she agreed readily, wanting the same thing. “I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.”

He nodded and turned toward the door, but then paused and looked at her over his shoulder. “Everything is going to be all right,” he assured her. “I’ll get to the bottom of this and bring them to justice. And... what happened between us? I’ll make that right as well.”

“Thank you,” she murmured tremulously, afraid to even guess at what he’d meant by that last comment. He’d said he wouldn’t abandon her, and somehow she believed him, but she really didn’t see how he could possibly achieve such a thing. She could never be either his mistress or his wife, so where did that leave them?

Once he’d left, she sagged heavily against the wall, praying for the strength to get through this without revealing that she was probably in need of some justice as well.

* * *

WHEN HEATHER ARRIVEDdownstairs with her small bag full of clothes and the necessities she’d need for the next few days, Allison stood near the front door with her own bag. Usually, Heather would have been the one to pack Allison’s things for her, and she felt a little pang of guilt for slacking in her duties, even though she knew Allison was quite capable of taking care of herself.

“We’re going to Jocelyn’s,” Allison murmured, while the rest of the servants milled around the entrance hall, getting in each other’s way, and Drake and Quinn consulted in quiet tones near the stairs.

“I know,” Heather whispered back. She swayed a bit, her vision fogging as stress and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her.

“Here, sit down until we’re ready to go,” Allison instructed, tugging her toward one of the stiff chairs along the wall.

Heather sank into it gratefully, wondering if she had it in her to remain conscious more than another few moments.

“As soon as Driver brings the coach around, we’ll be on our way,” Allison assured her, obviously sensing how close Heather was to collapsing. “This horrible nightmare is almost over, darling.”

Drake called me darling...

That was the last thought she had before darkness claimed her.

* * *

WHEN HEATHER CAME TO, Drake was once again holding her in his arms in a coach, but this time the coach belonged to Allison and Quinn, who sat on the seat across from them.

She immediately realized how improper this must look, how completely beyond the pale, and she struggled to move away. Allison was staring at her wide-eyed, and she knew her friend would have a million questions tomorrow.

“You fainted,” Allison supplied, worry chasing away her curiosity. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you faint before. Are you all right? Blackstone caught you before you hit the floor and carried you out here.”

“You’ve been through a lot,” Drake murmured when she found the courage to look up at him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t let you rest for a bit.”

“I’m fine. I know we couldn’t stay there.” Once again, she tried to move off him, but he tightened his arms, preventing her from doing so.