Page 22 of Dark Desires

“We’re near the docks,” he said once they got to the street. “Let’s try to flag down a hack. I still have money. Those bastards were so sure we couldn’t escape that they didn’t bother to take it.”

She nodded and kept her head down, hoping they didn’t run into anyone she knew, especially a member of the Citizens Committee. Luck seemed to be on her side for once though, because they swiftly covered five or six blocks before Drake let out an ear-piercing whistle and raised his arm, signaling a hack coming down the street.

“We’re lucky we found one at this hour,” he said, turning to her with a grin that melted her heart.

“I’m lucky to be with you,” she told him as the hack started toward them. “I never would have gotten out of there without you.”

His gaze dropped to her lips, and for a moment, she was certain he was going to kiss her right there in the middle of the street, but then the hack pulled up beside them and the moment passed.

He helped her up into the vehicle, then directed the hack driver to take them to an address she knew was the O’Briens’ house in Belgravia. She swallowed convulsively as she sank back in the seat, wondering how soon it would be before Jacob and his men found her there and what they would do to her once they did.

But where else could she go? She had no one in the world other than Allison.

He sank into the backward-facing seat across from her and met her gaze in the lantern light. “We’re going to head to the O’Briens first,” he said, his expression grim. “I want them to know that you’re all right, and I also know that O’Brien can help me figure out what to do next. But I’m not leaving you there. If they found you there once, they can find you there again.”

Relief swept through her with the force of a hurricane. “Oh, thank God. I had the same thought, but I didn’t want to presume upon your kindness any more than I already have.”

“Nonsense,” he said sharply. “We’re in this together, Heather. I won’t let you out of my sight until I know for sure that you’re safe.”

Tears filled her eyes. She didn’t deserve this, but she was so very glad that he wasn’t going to leave her to fend for herself. Look what a terrible job she’d done of that so far.

His dark eyes softened, and he leaned across the aisle to wipe a tear from her cheek. “Don’t cry, my brave girl. Everything will be all right.”

Of course, that just made the tears fall harder. She bent forward, burying her face in her hands as tremors rocked her body. Although she’d managed not to give in to her fear too much while they were in the cellar, she’d been pretty certain she was going to die. She was very aware that she wasn’t quite out of the woods yet, but her relief was soul deep. She’d been given a second chance at life, and she couldn’t continue to make such stupid mistakes.

He shifted across from her, and then suddenly he was on the seat beside her, pulling her against him and whispering sweet words as he held her and stroked her hair, occasionally pressing his lips against her temple. She buried her face against his broad chest, allowing herself to be comforted as her fear poured out of her in the form of her tears.

She’d felt so alone for so long, and in his arms, she felt cherished and cared for. Overwhelmed, she simply held on to his shirt and let the terror crash through her until it finally subsided, and she lay against him, hollowed out from the storm.

“My beautiful, brave girl,” he murmured, still softly stroking her hair. “I’ve got you, darling. I’m here.”

She didn’t know if she’d ever heard words so sweet. And for now, just for tonight, she chose to believe them.

* * *

ASTRANGE TENDERNESSfilled Drake as he held Heather against his chest, soothing her as she finally gave in to the fear that must have haunted her the entire time they’d been locked in that cellar. He couldn’t believe how brave she’d been to have remained calm as long as she had, and his mind raced as he tried to figure out how he was going to keep her as safe as he’d promised.

Whether their captors had taken her on purpose or if they’d meant to grab Allison, Drake had no doubt that they’d return to the O’Briens’ house the moment they realized that Drake and Heather had escaped.

He couldn’t return to his own house either, because even if his brother hadn’t been behind this, his captors would know where he lived.

Before he could fully formulate a plan, the hack slowed, and he looked out the window to find they’d already arrived in Belgravia. “We’re here, darling,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to Heather’s temple, glad her tears seemed to have abated. “Let’s go inside.”

She nodded, seeming incapable of words, and he got out of the hack, looking around the quiet street to make sure no one was around before handing her down as well. The O’Briens’ house was dark, not a light on anywhere, but why wouldn’t it be? It was the middle of the night.

He hated to wake them up, but there was still a good chance that Allison had been the target. They were undoubtedly worried about what had happened to Heather, and they weren’t safe here either.

As the hack pulled away, he tugged Heather up the front steps of the imposing white stone house, and he began to rap loudly on the door. When several minutes of that didn’t yield any results, he began to yell, until finally, a light came on in an upstairs window.

“That’s Quinn and Allison’s room,” Heather said, the first words she’d spoken since they’d gotten in the hack.

The upstairs window slid open, and Quinn stuck his head out, obviously furious. “What the bloody....? Blackstone, is that you?”

“Let me in,” Drake shouted. “I have Miss Fields with me, and there’s been a... situation.”

“I’ll be right down,” O’Brien said and slammed the window shut.

Drake wrapped his arm around Heather as they waited, hoping to provide some moral support, warmth, and protection.