Page 5 of Dark Promises

Her green eyes widened. “You must think me so very sheltered. I’m sorry to be taking up so much of your time for something like this. I’m certain you have more important things you could be doing.”

Any misgivings he’d felt upon first seeing her had vanished as they’d continued to talk. This lovely young woman was truly worried about her sister. The other things he had to do today could wait for a while until he could ease her mind. If he could send her and her sister home safely, it would be a rare, good day, and he was badly in need of one of those.

“Nonsense,” he said lightly. “I’m happy to be of help.”

Pond knocked on the open door, then stepped in holding a battered tea service and a plate with several biscuits. The young man was flushed as though he’d been running, and Sebastian felt bad for sending him on such a ridiculous mission. He was sure Lady Aston wouldn’t have cared if there were biscuits. Still, he felt glad that he could offer them to her.

“Thank you, Pond,” he said, giving the young man a grateful smile.

Pond grinned back, then sketched an awkward bow in Lady Aston’s direction. “My lady.”

Once Pond had left, she gestured to the tea set. “Would you like me to pour?”

He nodded, feeling completely out of his element and wondering why he had ordered tea in the first place. A man like him was hardly suited to having tea with a lady.

He found himself mesmerized by her practiced and graceful movements as she went about the tasks that should be entirely mundane. She poured them both a cup of the steaming brew, then took one of the biscuits, making him feel ridiculously vindicated for having sent Pond out to get them.

They sat in silence for a few moments, but surprisingly, it wasn’t awkward. He found himself far more comfortable with this woman than he should be.

At last, she set her cup down and met his gaze. “I know it sounds foolish, but I have a sinking feeling that something terrible has happened to Evelyn.”

Her green eyes were a bit glassy, as though she was struggling to hold back tears, and he knew that she truly believed that her sister was in grave danger. As much as he doubted that someone like Lady Evelyn Lindsay was in any serious trouble, he knew she was desperate for someone to listen to her fears. “We’ll find her,” he assured her. “I’ll help you.”

The words came out sounding like far more of a vow than he’d meant them to, but he couldn’t call them back now. He felt strangely committed, even though Lady Evelyn did not live in his jurisdiction and this wasn’t his responsibility.

“Thank you.” She managed a shaky smile. “I believe you will.”

Before he could say anything else, Pond came back in, still looking a bit harried. “Sir? The sergeant told me to let you know he’s called around, and Lady Evelyn Lindsay is not in any jail in London.”

Lady Aston let out a small gasp, but Sebastian kept his focus on Pond. “Thank you, Pond. That will be all.”

In his heart, Sebastian had been certain that they’d find Lady Evelyn in a cell somewhere, chagrined and frightened. But since they hadn’t, Lady Aston’s fears seemed a little harder to dismiss.

“Where could she be?” she asked, imploring him with those gorgeous eyes to give him an answer he didn’t have.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “But let’s go find her, shall we?”