Page 35 of Dark Promises

Of course, it made no sense that Layton would target Evelyn if Jocelyn was the source of his ire. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to look into the man.

“What did you say to Layton?” O’Brien asked, coming up beside him.

“He was making noise about how Evelyn’s murder had brought shame on his family name. I told him he was just mad that Jocelyn’s son was the heir,” Sebastian muttered.

O’Brien gave a quiet snort of laughter, and the two men walked a bit apart from the rest of the gathering. “Did you see anyone else acting suspiciously?”

Sebastian’s gaze settled upon his superior. Though he wasn’t quite ready to put into words his bad feeling about Blackstone, he couldn’t shake the thought that something about the way he’d been handling the investigation so far did not make sense.

Quinn’s gaze followed his, and he let out a deep sigh. “Yes. I thought the same.”

“What should we do about it?” Sebastian asked.

“Just keep an eye on him. There’s really nothing else we can do. He’d done nothing that warrants getting anyone else involved yet at least. I don’t even think it’s him. But I think he knows something.” O’Brien looked as sick over the whole thing as Sebastian felt, and he knew his friend was far closer to Blackstone than he was.

“What about the brother?” Sebastian asked quietly, still a little stung that the viscount seemed to be the one offering comfort to Jocelyn today when he wanted so badly for it to be him at her side.

“The families were close when they were young,” O’Brien mused, a speculative look in his eyes. “Perhaps Evelyn rejected him in some way when they were growing up?”

“There may have even been an understanding of a match when they were older,” Sebastian agreed. “If I can get Lady Aston to speak to me again, I’ll try and find out what she knows about her sister’s relationship with both of the Blackstones.”

Quinn nodded. “Tread carefully, though, my friend. One misstep with the Blackstone family could easily cost you your career.”

“I’m well aware,” Sebastian said, frustration building within him. A killer walked among them, and his hands seemed to be tied. Even if The Viper wasn’t one of the Blackstones, all the evidence pointed to the fact that it was someone like them, someone whose wealth and power made them all but untouchable.

Quinn clasped him on the shoulder. “Once you’ve spoken to Lady Aston, come by and see me. We’ll go over everything from the newest case and see if we can get to the bottom of this, no matter where it takes us.”

“I’ll see you soon,” Sebastian agreed as Allison joined her husband.

The lovely blonde met Sebastian’s gaze, her blue eyes sparkling with intrigue. “I hear you’ve been spending time with Lady Aston.”

Heat rose in Sebastian’s cheeks as he wondered what Jocelyn had told her friend. “I tried to help her find her sister.”

Allison obviously knew a bit more of the truth than that, but she blessedly chose to keep that to herself. “She was a bit upset by your line of questioning the other day, but she’s had some time to think it over and realizes that you were just trying to do your job. I think she’s willing to speak to you now. Why don’t you go pay your respects?”

Relief surged through him. “Thank you, Allison.”

She nodded, then gave him an encouraging smile before she and Quinn turned toward their carriage. He stared after them for a moment, noting the way she took his friend’s hand and leaned into him. Despite the seemingly insurmountable gulf of differences between them, they were making their marriage work.

Shaking his head, he turned away, his gaze immediately settling upon Jocelyn, who still stood by the graveside with the Blackstone brothers. Taking a deep breath, he headed in their direction.

“Inspector Ness.” Blackstone gave him a stiff nod as he approached, looking less than thrilled to see him there. Again, the reaction did not make sense. For months, Blackstone had been railing at him to find out who The Viper was. Blackstone was certainly well aware of killers’ tendencies to want to see the results of their crimes. He should be glad that Sebastian was here doing his job.


Blackstone cleared his throat. “You’ve met my brother, Viscount Danbury?”

“I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure,” Sebastian replied, turning toward the viscount, though all of his attention was centered on the beautiful, wan woman beside him. She looked as though she hadn’t been sleeping, her eyes bruised and watery. “I’m Inspector Ness from J Division.”

“You must be the one who’s trying to catch The Viper,” the viscount said enthusiastically. “Making any progress? It’s a shame what’s happening in our fair city.”

Sebastian met the man’s gaze, finding it hard to believe that this vapid, foppish-looking gent could either be the brutal killer he was looking for nor the brother of his hard-bitten, intense superior. How could these two men have been cut from the same cloth? “I believe I’m narrowing down my list,” he said, letting the man make whatever he wanted of that. He turned to Jocelyn then, ignoring both the Blackstones. “May I speak with you a moment, Lady Aston?”

“I don’t think this is the time or place,” Blackstone cut in, glaring at Sebastian.

“Thank you, Drake,” Jocelyn said softly. “But I don’t mind. There are some things I’d like to say to the inspector.”

Sebastian’s heart warmed as Jocelyn turned away from the Blackstones and led him over toward the oak tree he’d been standing near earlier. He wondered if she’d seen him there.