Page 45 of Dark Promises

His words gave her peace of mind, and the last of her reservations fell away. “I will,” she assured him.

Tentatively, she placed her hand on the center of his chest. His skin was warm and as smooth as it looked. She met and held his gaze, a wave of intense tenderness washing through her. “I can feel your heart beating, Sebastian.”

He smiled ruefully, and he placed his hand over hers, squeezing gently. “It’s very intimate, to be with someone like this.”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Show me how you want to be touched. Show me what I should do.”

Still holding her gaze, he moved her hand slowly down the muscles that lined his stomach, and she gasped at the sensation of the silky line of hair that seemed to point the way to his straining arousal against her fingertips.

“What should I call it?” she asked.

He smiled at that. “My cock. Dick. Manhood. Knob. Pud. Wick. Twig. There are dozens of names for it. What do you like the most?”

She swallowed thickly, wondering if she had the courage to say such a dirty word. “Cock,” she breathed, just as their hands reached it. “I like that one the most.”

Hot. Silky. Smooth. It didn’t feel anything like she’d thought it would.

“Wrap your hand around it,” he said, his voice rough.

She did as he’d asked, feeling wonderfully wanton and daring. “Like this?”

He nodded jerkily, then closed his hand around hers again, showing her how to stroke up and down. When she’d gotten the idea of it, he released her, and she continued, watching his face as she did so. It made her feel remarkably powerful to see his handsome face go taut and strained, his eyes closed, his neck arched. And she found that she liked the feeling of him in her hand, the hardness she knew was because he was aroused.

“You’re a fast learner,” he said after a few minutes. “I love the feel of your hands on me, Jocelyn. I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this.”

“I like it, too,” she replied, her voice so sultry she hardly recognized it. “I like having your cock in my hand.”

“Christ,” he hissed, and she realized he’d liked it when she’d said that dirty word. He’d liked it very much.

“Don’t stop,” he growled, reaching up with one hand and pulling her head down to his, kissing her ferociously as she continued to stroke him. His mouth was hot and sweet, tasting of bourbon and something she could only describe as Sebastian.

My lover...

The words had such a strange power for her, and she repeated them over and over in her mind as she kissed him wildly, striving to give him the same pleasure he’d given her.

My lover. My lover. My Sebastian.

And she realized he’d been telling the truth when he’d said that giving her pleasure had pleased him as well. How could she not love knowing that she was making him feel good, that she was capable of doing this for him, despite her inexperience?

Finally, he broke the kiss and cried out, his big body jerking as his cock sent a hot white liquid cascading into her hand.

She sank back, a bit stunned, suddenly realizing that this was what he’d said he couldn’t do inside her. This was his seed, what caused babies, and she was holding it in her hand. She couldn’t believe that she’d been married for nearly two years, had given birth, and she was only now understanding the mechanics of it.

“Are you all right?” she asked tentatively.

He opened his eyes and smiled, and the beauty of it, of this handsome man she was starting to care far too much for, touched her to the core.

“I’m better than all right,” he said huskily. “It had just been a long time for me, and it felt so good I wanted to savor it for a moment.”

“Oh,” she said, her face heating with embarrassed happiness. I made him feel good.

Seeing how awkwardly she was holding his seed, he stretched back toward the sofa and grabbed his shirt, using it to clean off her hand in a such a matter-of-fact way that she couldn’t be embarrassed about it.

Once he was done, he drew her back down beside him, cuddling her against the warmth of his naked body. This was perhaps the most fantastic thing yet, to be pressed up against him, skin against skin, an intimacy unlike anything she’d ever known.

“Are you warm enough?” he asked softly, brushing his lips against her forehead.

“Yes,” she murmured. The crackling fire kept her backside toasty warm, and her front was even warmer from the heat of his big body. “I’ve never been naked for so long, just out in the open like this. I’m usually only naked in the bath and then just for brief moments as I change from one garment into another. It feels wonderfully freeing.”