Page 42 of Dark Promises

Chapter Eighteen

Jocelyn alighted from her carriage in front of the address Sebastian had given her, her gaze darting nervously around the Bethnal Green neighborhood where he lived. He’d told her that his flat was not what she was used to, but somehow, she’d still expected that a police inspector would have better lodgings than these.

“Are you certain this is the correct address, my lady?” the footman, Thomas, asked her quietly. “I don’t feel right about leaving you in this neighborhood overnight.”

She’d told Thomas and her driver that she was going to visit a friend for the evening, though she was pretty sure they already knew exactly what she was really planning. She trusted their discretion, but who knew what they would do if they truly thought she was in danger?

Taking a deep breath, she met the footman’s worried gaze. “My friend is Inspector Ness,” she admitted. “I’ll be fine.”

Thomas’s eyes widened, and he gave a jerky nod. “Of course, my lady. But I’ll escort you up, and we’ll make certain he’s home.”

“Thank you,” she said, feeling relieved. She’d been quite nervous about trying to navigate the large brick building where his flat was located all by herself.

Thomas took the small valise she’d brought, and she followed him into the dim interior. Inside, the mingled scents of old cooking, sweat, and, heaven help her, urine lingered unpleasantly. She rushed to keep up with the footman’s long-legged stride as they mounted some steep stairs up to the second floor.

“Here we are, my lady,” the footman announced, rapping on the correct door.

Almost immediately, Sebastian opened it, a welcoming smile on his handsome face. “Good evening,” he greeted her, his blue eyes filled with such dark promise that it took her breath away. “I wasn’t certain you’d come.”

She turned to her footman. “Pick me up at nine in the morning,” she instructed him. “And please, don’t tell anyone where I am.”

Thomas nodded and gave her the ghost of a smile. “Have a good night, my lady,”

The moment Thomas turned to walk back down the hall, Sebastian pulled her into the safety of his flat, locking the door behind her. “All day, I was certain that you’d come to your senses.”

“I think I’ve lost complete control of my senses,” she said with a small helpless laugh. “Perhaps it’s even worse than that. Perhaps I’ve lost my faculties completely.”

He shook his head, tugging her toward a well-worn sofa in front of a fireplace, where flames crackled merrily. “I think for once in your life, you’re doing exactly what you want to do.”

Maybe he was right. Even though it seemed wrong on so many levels, she couldn’t deny the excitement surging through her. She had no idea what the night would bring, but she had a feeling she was going to enjoy it immensely.

When she was seated, he hovered anxiously above her. “Can I get you anything? You must be freezing from your trip over.”

She shrugged out of her coat, trying to smile, even though she was indeed shivering. The February chill had cut through her like a knife. “What I’d really like is for you to sit down here with me. I always feel warm in your arms.”

He sank down beside her, wrapping one arm around her shoulders and pulling her snugly against him. “I still can’t believe you’re really here.”

She sighed, resting her head on his chest. “I couldn’t stay away.”

“You’re staying the whole night?” He nudged her bag.

“Is that all right?” she asked, suddenly wondering if she’d presumed too much. What if he didn’t want her there all night?

“Of course, it’s all right,” he assured her. “It’s more than all right. I love the thought of waking up with you in the morning.”

She flushed and buried her face against his broad chest. “I don’t know how these things are done. I’ve never—”

“I know,” he said quickly. “I know, and I’m glad to answer any questions you might have.”

She bit her lip, but knew no matter how embarrassing it might be, she had to ask a very important question. “How do we keep from... having a baby?” She knew very little about these matters, but the one thing she did know from experience was the end result.

“I’ll do my best to keep you safe,” he assured her. “But there’s no guarantee that it won’t still happen.”

“Oh,” she whispered, feeling as though a bucket of water had been dashed upon her head.

“Do you remember when you were with your husband... when he released inside you?”

She nodded jerkily. “Yes, but I’d rather I didn’t.”