Page 32 of When You Kiss Me

“I’m sorry,” Coop hurried to say. “It was just a short ride. It won’t happen again.”

“Darn right, it won’t.” Rafi came down the bank, hand outstretched, impatient for them to give him the reins. “Ride’s over. Everybody off.”

Coop dismounted and helped Dotty get off of I Dunno. Vivi was silent as she gave Rafi her mount’s reins. The breeze had died, and the sun beat down on them, hot and stifling.

Rafi snatched the leather pair of reins from Coop’s hand. “I know you’re hustling for a buck, man. But this isn’t right. Ladies, make sure you tip your guide. He’s going to need the extra cash because he’s no longer employed at Beeswax Farm.”

Vivi gasped.

The gravity of Coop’s mistake buzzed in his ears. He wasn’t just in need of a place to stay. Now he needed to find another job. “Rafi, is this really necessary? Can’t we talk about this?”

“Don’t fire him, Mr. Rafi. He’s not our guide.” Despite latching onto Coop’s arm, Dotty sounded miles away. “He’s our limo driver.”

“Whatever he is, don’t rely on him.” Rafi frowned at Coop. “He never listens. He acts like he owns this place.” He turned and led the horses away. “But the truth is, he doesn’tknowhis place.”

“Rafi, come on, man. Let me explain.” Coop made to follow his friend.

Vivi grabbed onto his other arm. “Let him go. There’s nothing to gain when tempers flare.”

Coop took a moment to consider her advice before nodding. “I’ll walk you home.”

“No. We’re fine.” Vivi released him and took her grandmother by the hand. “You have a lot to think about. Not just about this job. But about your family and your future.”

He wanted to argue, to tell her that this job didn’t matter in the long run. But the truth was that he’d never been fired before. It was shaming.

Coop watched the two ladies go with a heavy heart. And then he turned and trudged back to the barn at Beeswax Farm. And all the while, his thoughts circled around the type of man he was now and the man he wanted to be in the future.

I don’t take orders well.

If he was being honest, he took the duties Rafi had given him as more like suggestions that didn’t necessarily need to be obeyed.

My behavior impacts more than just me.

Rafi had been called back to deal with Coop’s behavior. He might be at risk of being fired, too.

Do I have what it takes to be a good leader if I can’t be a good employee?

Coop doubted it. But he could be. Someday.

There was a lesson to be learned here. But first, he needed to apologize to Rafi and Mrs. Finnegan, the owner of Beeswax Farm.


“I ordered an Uber,” Violet said to Grandma Dotty as a familiar black Lincoln Town Car pulled into the driveway Friday morning. It had been two days since she’d seen Chuck. And now this.

“Only Chuck will do for me,” Grandma Dotty said in her most determined voice. “Get out your phone and delete the other driver. I didn’t like the guy who drove us yesterday morning.”

“Delete the other driver,” Vi mumbled. “You mean, cancel the ride?”

“Yes, whatever.” Her grandmother skipped down the steps. “Chuck needs our support, and we need someone who knows our routine with hip hop cardio.”

Violet opened the ride share app on her phone and cancelled the car she’d ordered. The fog hung above them as gray as her mood. Chuck had made a foolish mistake the other day, taking out horses that weren’t his to give them a ride. No wonder his father wanted him to think seriously about his future. Vi couldn’t afford to have a relationship with a man like that.

“Good morning, ladies.” Chuck opened the car door for Grandma Dotty with one hand. In the other, he held a small paper coffee cup with what was presumably Vi’s morning espresso.

Violet wanted that espresso like nobody’s business. She’d spent two nights tossing and turning. She wanted Chuck to be as steady in his work life as he seemed to be in his interest toward her.

“I made a mistake,” Chuck said humbly, extending a hand with her espresso. “I’m sorry. Not only did I disappoint my employer, I let myself and those who believe in me down, too.”