Page 28 of When You Kiss Me

“I have running shorts in back.”

Oh, my.

Violet could only imagine how muscular those legs of his were.


“Welcome to Yoga Flow.” Kelcie sat on a mat at the front of the class with her legs criss crossed, pausing to welcome everyone with a warm smile.

Including Coop.

Dotty had jammed her mat in the front row. Predictably, Vivi had taken a spot at the back of class. And Coop had put down a mat right next to hers. He’d caught her looking at his legs once or twice.

It’s going to be a good day.

“We’ll be doing some gentle movements through different positions,” Kelcie continued in a voice slower and more modulated than her usual bubbly, energetic way of talking. “Flowing through the class and noticing anything that might be sticky.”

Sticky? Coop had Vivi stuck in his head.

“Let’s move onto all fours.” Kelcie started the yoga flowing, moving as she spoke. “And gently alternate between a high-arching cat and a low-belied cow stretch. Deep breaths in and out. Cat… And cow…”

“Moo,” Dotty said softly, although loud enough for the class to hear. “Meow…”

Vivi exhaled rather violently in what Coop considered the equivalent of a head-thunk.

“Moo... Meow…” Dotty said, louder this time.

Several people giggled.

“Moo-ooo.” Dotty gasped. “Kelcie, I’m stuck in the cow.”

Kelcie got up to help her. “Let’s move into a downward dog position.”

“Woof,” Dotty said even though she was still on all fours.

Coop had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

“Hey,” Vivi whispered, grinning. “Keep it moving. Downward dog.”

Coop followed her lead.

“Moo-woo-oof,” Dotty sounded surprised as Kelcie tried to shift her hips into the air for the downward dog position. “I’ll just stay down here in the kitty-cow until we do an animal my body likes.”

“Sure.” Kelcie began walking between the mats. “Extend that right leg high into the air, really give that hip room to breathe.”

Dotty grunted, indicating something was hard—whether it was the yoga position, or the breathing was unclear.

Coop had to peek. What if Dotty was in real trouble? Stuck in a pose or fallen over. But no. The elderly woman had moved from the cat-cow position into a frog position, which wasn’t what Kelcie had called out.

“Bring that right leg around and through your arms and very gently lower yourself into a pigeon pose.” Kelcie kept walking slowly between the mats, moving toward the back unaware of Dotty’s frog predicament. “Find a comfortable stretch. Modify as needed.”

“Coo-coo.” Dotty glanced at the woman next to her, trying to contort her body the way she was.

“Pigeon pose, Chuck.” Kelcie stood at his mat until Coop achieved what was close to the required pose. She crossed the room and helped others adjust and align.

Coop glanced toward Vivi. He had no idea what she was doing, but it wasn’t a pigeon pose. It looked more like a runner’s stretch.

She noticed him watching her. “What?”